Index of OpenRM - RMV Library

 RMenum rmvI2AreaFill (RMvertex2D (*appgridfunc)(int i),
	               float (*appdatafunc)(int i),
		       float (*appdata2func)(int i),
		       RMvisMap *vmap,
		       int axis_offset_enum,
		       int npts,
		       float zeroval,
		       RMnode *n)
 RMvertex2D (*appgridfunc)(int i) - a handle to a caller-supplied
    function that returns an RMvertex3D (x, y) corresponding to the
    grid point (i) (input). float (*appdatafunc)(int i) - a handle to a caller-supplied function
    that returns a float which is the scalar value at the grid point
    (i) (input). float (*appdata2func)(int i) - a handle to a secondary
    caller-supplied function that returns a float which is the scalar
    value at the grid point (i) (input). RMvisMap *vmap - a handle to an RMvisMap object (input). int axis_offset_enum - an integer specifying in which axis to offset
    the area fill.  Must be one of RMV_XAXIS_OFFSET, RMV_YAXIS_OFFSET
    (input). int npts - an integer specifying the number of data points (input). float zeroval - a float specifying the zero line within the data
    range.  The "area fill" will be computed relative to this zero
    line (input). RMnode *n - a handle to an RMnode (modified).

Creates an "area filled" plot from data. The area filled is a single color, the RMnode default color at render time. The area outline plot can also be colored via the secondary data function and the RMvismap. at

Upon success, RM_CHILL is returned and the area outline plot primitives are added to the RMnode. Otherwise, RM_WHACKED is returned. Bonus Fara Depunere

librmv library source file: rmvsignal.c

 RMenum rmvI2AreaOutline (RMvertex2D (*appgridfunc)(int i),
		          float (*appdatafunc)(int i),
			  float (*appdata2func)(int i),
			  RMvisMap *map,
			  int axis_offset_enum,
			  int npts,
			  float zerocrossing,
			  RMenum linewidth_enum,
			  RMenum linestyle_enum,
			  RMnode *n)
 RMvertex2D (*appgridfunc)(int i) - a handle to a caller-supplied
    function that returns an RMvertex3D (x, y) corresponding to the
    grid point (i) (input). float (*appdatafunc)(int i) - a handle to a caller-supplied function
    that returns a float which is the scalar value at the grid point
    (i) (input). float (*appdata2func)(int i) - a handle to a secondary
    caller-supplied function that returns a float which is the scalar
    value at the grid point (i) (input). RMvisMap *vmap - a handle to an RMvisMap object (input). int axis_offset_enum - an integer specifying in which axis to offset
    the area outline.  Must be one of RMV_XAXIS_OFFSET,
    RMV_YAXIS_OFFSET (input). int npts - an integer specifying the number of data points (input). float zerocrossing - a float specifying the zero line within the data
    range.  The "area outline" will be computed relative to this zero
    line (input). RMenum linewidth_enum - an RMenum specifying the line width.  Must be
    RM_LINEWIDTH_HEAVY, or RM_LINEWIDTH_[1..8] (input). RMenum linestyle_enum - an RMenum specifying the line style.  Must
    RM_LINES_DOT_DASH, or RM_LINES_DASH_DASH_DOT (input). RMnode *n - a handle to an RMnode (modified).

Creates an "area outline" plot from data. The area outline is a single color, the RMnode default color at render time. The area outline plot can also be colored via the secondary data function and the RMvismap. Line segments connects the zeroval value with the first and last data point.

Upon success, RM_CHILL is returned and the area outline plot primitives are added to the RMnode. Otherwise, RM_WHACKED is returned.

librmv library source file: rmvsignal.c

 RMenum rmvI2BarFilled (RMvertex2D (*appgridfunc)(int i),
	                float (*appdatafunc)(int i),
		        float (*appdata2func)(int i),
		        RMvisMap *vmap,
		        int axis_offset_enum,
		        int npts,
		        float scale,
		        int scale_enum,
		        RMnode *n)
 RMvertex2D (*appgridfunc)(int i) - a handle to a caller-supplied
    function that returns an RMvertex3D (x, y) corresponding to the
    grid point (i) (input). float (*appdatafunc)(int i) - a handle to a caller-supplied function
    that returns a float which is the scalar value at the grid point
    (i) (input). float (*appdata2func)(int i) - a handle to a secondary
    caller-supplied function that returns a float which is the scalar
    value at the grid point (i) (input). RMvisMap *vmap - a handle to an RMvisMap object (input). int axis_offset_enum - an integer specifying in which axis to offset
    the filled bar.  Must be one of RMV_XAXIS_OFFSET, RMV_YAXIS_OFFSET
    (input). int npts - an integer specifying the number of data points (input). float scale - a float specfiying the scaling factor for the bars.    When the scaling mode is RMV_SCALE_ABSOLUTE, this parameter
    dictates the size of each bar directly.  When the mode is
    RMV_SCALE_RELATIVE, the product of this parameter and the adjacent
    grid spacing determines the size of the bars (input). int scaling_enum - an integer specifying the scaling type.  Must be
    one of RMV_SCALE_ABSOLUTE OR RMV_SCALE_RELATIVE (input). RMnode *n - a handle to an RMnode (modified).

Creates a traditional bar plot from data, with the data shown as filled bars. The bars are a single color, the RMnode default color at render time. The bar plot can also be colored via the secondary data function and the RMvismap.

Upon success, RM_CHILL is returned and the filled bar plot primitives are added to the RMnode. Otherwise, RM_WHACKED is returned.

librmv library source file: rmvsignal.c

 RMenum rmvI2BarOutline (RMvertex2D (*appgridfunc)(int i),
		         float (*appdatafunc)(int i),
			 float (*appdata2func)(int i),
			 RMvisMap *vmap,
			 int axis_offset_enum,
			 int npts,
			 float scale,
			 int scale_enum,
			 RMenum linewidth,
			 RMenum linestyle,
			 RMnode *n)
 RMvertex2D (*appgridfunc)(int i) - a handle to a caller-supplied
    function that returns an RMvertex3D (x, y) corresponding to the
    grid point (i) (input). float (*appdatafunc)(int i) - a handle to a caller-supplied function
    that returns a float which is the scalar value at the grid point
    (i) (input). float (*appdata2func)(int i) - a handle to an optional secondary
    caller-supplied function that returns a float which is the scalar
    value at the grid point (i) (input). RMvisMap *vmap - a handle to an optional RMvisMap object (input). int axis_offset_enum - an integer specifying in which axis to offset
    the bar outline.  Must be one of RMV_XAXIS_OFFSET,
    RMV_YAXIS_OFFSET (input). int npts - an integer specifying the number of data points (input). float scale - a float specfiying the scaling factor for the bars.    When the scaling mode is RMV_SCALE_ABSOLUTE, this parameter
    dictates the width of each bar directly.  When the mode is
    RMV_SCALE_RELATIVE, the product of this parameter and the adjacent
    grid spacing determines the width of the bars (input). int scaling_enum - an integer specifying the scaling type.  Must be
    one of RMV_SCALE_ABSOLUTE OR RMV_SCALE_RELATIVE (input). RMenum linewidth_enum - an RMenum specifying the line width.  Must be
    RM_LINEWIDTH_HEAVY, or RM_LINEWIDTH_[1..8] (input). RMenum linestyle_enum - an RMenum specifying the line style.  Must
    RM_LINES_DOT_DASH, or RM_LINES_DASH_DASH_DOT (input). RMnode *n - a handle to an RMnode (modified).

Creates a traditional bar plot from data, with the data shown as outline bars. The bar outlines are a single color, the RMnode default color at render time. The bar plot can also be colored via the secondary data function and the RMvismap.

Upon success, RM_CHILL is returned and the outline bar plot primitives are added to the RMnode. Otherwise, RM_WHACKED is returned.

librmv library source file: rmvsignal.c

 RMenum rmvI2Impulse (RMvertex2D (*appgridfunc)(int i),
	              float (*appdatafunc)(int i),
		      float (*appdata2func)(int i),
		      RMvisMap *vmap,
		      int axis_offset_enum,
		      int npts,
		      RMenum linewidth_enum,
		      RMenum linestyle_enum,
		      RMnode *n)
 RMvertex2D (*appgridfunc)(int i) - a handle to a caller-supplied
    function that returns an RMvertex3D (x, y) corresponding to the
    grid point (i) (input). float (*appdatafunc)(int i) - a handle to a caller-supplied function
    that returns a float which is the scalar value at the grid point
    (i) (input). float (*appdata2func)(int i) - a handle to an optional secondary
    caller-supplied function that returns a float which is the scalar
    value at the grid point (i) (input). RMvisMap *vmap - a handle to an optional RMvisMap object (input). int axis_offset_enum - an integer specifying in which axis to offset
    the impulse spike.  Must be one of RMV_XAXIS_OFFSET,
    RMV_YAXIS_OFFSET (input). int npts - an integer specifying the number of data points (input). RMenum linewidth_enum - an RMenum specifying the line width.  Must be
    RM_LINEWIDTH_HEAVY, or RM_LINEWIDTH_[1..8] (input). RMenum linestyle_enum - an RMenum specifying the line style.  Must
    RM_LINES_DOT_DASH, or RM_LINES_DASH_DASH_DOT (input). RMnode *n - a handle to an RMnode (modified).

Creates an impulse plot from data, with the data shown as horizontal or vertical spikes. The impulse plot is a single color, the RMnode default color at render time. The impulse spikes can also be colored via the secondary data function and the RMvismap. The ith impulse spike is a combination of the grid point, the primary data function, and the axis offset chosen.

Upon success, RM_CHILL is returned and the impulse plot primitives are added to the RMnode. Otherwise, RM_WHACKED is returned.

librmv library source file: rmvsignal.c

 RMenum rmvI2Polyline (RMvertex2D (*appgridfunc)(int i),
	               float (*appdatafunc)(int i),
		       float (*appdata2func)(int i),
		       RMvisMap *vmap,
		       int axis_offset_enum,
		       int npts,
		       RMenum linewidth_enum,
		       RMenum linestyle_enum,
		       RMnode *n)
 RMvertex2D (*appgridfunc)(int i) - a handle to a caller-supplied
    function that returns an RMvertex3D (x, y) corresponding to the
    grid point (i) (input). float (*appdatafunc)(int i) - a handle to a caller-supplied function
    that returns a float which is the scalar value at the grid point
    (i) (input). float (*appdata2func)(int i) - a handle to a secondary
    caller-supplied function that returns a float which is the scalar
    value at the grid point (i) (input). RMvisMap *vmap - a handle to an RMvisMap object (input). int axis_offset_enum - an integer specifying in which axis to offset
    the polyline.  Must be one of RMV_XAXIS_OFFSET, RMV_YAXIS_OFFSET
    (input). int npts - an integer specifying the number of data points (input). RMenum linewidth_enum - an RMenum specifying the line width.  Must be
    RM_LINEWIDTH_HEAVY, or RM_LINEWIDTH_[1..8] (input). RMenum linestyle_enum - an RMenum specifying the line style.  Must
    RM_LINES_DOT_DASH, or RM_LINES_DASH_DASH_DOT (input). RMnode *n - a handle to an RMnode (modified).

Creates a polyine x/y plot from data. The polyline is a single color, the RMnode default color at render time. The polyline can also be colored via the secondary data function and the RMvismap. The ith vertex of the polyline is a combination of the grid point, the primary data function, and the axis offset chosen.

Upon success, RM_CHILL is returned and the polyline primitives are added to the RMnode. Otherwise, RM_WHACKED is returned.

librmv library source file: rmvsignal.c

 RMenum rmvI2ScatterGeom (RMvertex2D (*appgridfunc)(int i),
		          float (*appdatafunc)(int i),
			  float (*appdata2func)(int i),
			  RMvisMap *vmap,
			  int axis_offset_enum,
			  int npts,
			  float scale,
			  int scaling_enum,
			  int marker_enum,
			  RMnode *n)
 RMvertex2D (*appgridfunc)(int i) - a handle to a caller-supplied
    function that returns an RMvertex3D (x, y) corresponding to the
    grid point (i) (input). float (*appdatafunc)(int i) - a handle to a caller-supplied function
    that returns a float which is the scalar value at the grid point
    (i) (input). float (*appdata2func)(int i) - a handle to an optional secondary
    caller-supplied function that returns a float which is the scalar
    value at the grid point (i) (input). RMvisMap *vmap - a handle to an optional RMvisMap object (input). int axis_offset_enum - an integer specifying in which axis to offset
    the scatterplot.  Must be one of RMV_XAXIS_OFFSET,
    RMV_YAXIS_OFFSET (input). int npts - an integer specifying the number of data points (input). float scale - a float specifying the scaling factor for the markers.    When the scaling mode is RMV_SCALE_ABSOLUTE, this parameter
    dictates the size of each marker directly.  When the mode is
    RMV_SCALE_RELATIVE, the product of this parameter and the adjacent
    grid spacing determines the size of the marker (input). int scaling_enum - an integer specifying the scaling type.  Must be
    one of RMV_SCALE_ABSOLUTE OR RMV_SCALE_RELATIVE (input). int marker_enum - an integer specifying the geometry to use for
    the markers.  Must be one of RMV_2DMARKER_[SQUARE, CROSS, X,
    NORTHTRIANGLE_FILLED] (input). RMnode *n - a handle to an RMnode (modified).

Creates a scatterplot from data, with each position represented with a geometric marker. The scatterplot is a single color, the RMnode default color at render time. The geometry markers can also be colored via the secondary data function and the RMvismap.

Upon success, RM_CHILL is returned and the scatterplot geometry primitives are added to the RMnode. Otherwise, RM_WHACKED is returned.

librmv library source file: rmvsignal.c

 RMenum rmvI2ScatterGlyph (RMvertex2D (*appgridfunc)(int i),
		           float (*appdatafunc)(int i),
			   float (*appdata2func)(int i),
			   RMvisMap *vmap,
			   int axis_offset_enum,
			   int npts,
			   int size_enum,
			   int marker_enum,
			   RMnode *n)
 RMvertex2D (*appgridfunc)(int i) - a handle to a caller-supplied
    function that returns an RMvertex3D (x, y) corresponding to the
    grid point (i) (input). float (*appdatafunc)(int i) - a handle to a caller-supplied function
    that returns a float which is the scalar value at the grid point
    (i) (input). float (*appdata2func)(int i) - a handle to an optional secondary
    caller-supplied function that returns a float which is the scalar
    value at the grid point (i) (input). RMvisMap *vmap - a handle to an optional RMvisMap object (input). int axis_offset_enum - an integer specifying in which axis to offset
    the scatterplot.  Must be one of RMV_XAXIS_OFFSET,
    RMV_YAXIS_OFFSET (input). int npts - an integer specifying the number of data points (input). int size_enum - an integer specifying the size of the markers.  Must
    RM_FONT_L, RM_FONT_XL, RM_FONT_XXL, specifying markers from
    extra-extra small to extra-large (input). int marker_enum - an integer specifying the glyph to use for the
    markers.  Must be one of RMV_ZAPFMARKER_[STAR_FILLED,
    DIAMONDS_FILLED, HEARTS_FILLED, SPADES_FILLED] (input). RMnode *n - a handle to an RMnode (modified).

Creates a scatterplot from data, with each position represented with a glyph from the Zapf-Dingbats font. Note that the precise size of the markers onscreen is implementation dependent. The scatterplot is a single color, the RMnode default color at render time. The glyph markers can also be colored via the secondary data function and the RMvismap.

Upon success, RM_CHILL is returned and the scatterplot glyph primitives are added to the RMnode. Otherwise, RM_WHACKED is returned.

librmv library source file: rmvsignal.c

 RMenum rmvI2Step (RMvertex2D (*appgridfunc)(int i),
	           float (*appdatafunc)(int i),
		   float (*appdata2func)(int i),
		   RMvisMap *vmap,
		   int axis_offset_enum,
		   int npts,
		   float zerocrossing,
		   RMenum linewidth_enum,
		   RMenum linestyle_enum,
		   RMnode *n)
 RMvertex2D (*appgridfunc)(int i) - a handle to a caller-supplied
    function that returns an RMvertex3D (x, y) corresponding to the
    grid point (i) (input). float (*appdatafunc)(int i) - a handle to a caller-supplied function
    that returns a float which is the scalar value at the grid point
    (i) (input). float (*appdata2func)(int i) - a handle to an optional secondary
    caller-supplied function that returns a float which is the scalar
    value at the grid point (i) (input). RMvisMap *vmap - a handle to an optional RMvisMap object (input). int axis_offset_enum - an integer specifying in which axis to offset
    the stairstep.  Must be one of RMV_XAXIS_OFFSET,
    RMV_YAXIS_OFFSET (input). int npts - an integer specifying the number of data points (input). float zerocrossing - a float specifying the zero line within the data
    range.  The "area fill" will be computed relative to this zero
    line (input). RMenum linewidth_enum - an RMenum specifying the line width.  Must be
    RM_LINEWIDTH_HEAVY, or RM_LINEWIDTH_[1..8] (input). RMenum linestyle_enum - an RMenum specifying the line style.  Must
    RM_LINES_DOT_DASH, or RM_LINES_DASH_DASH_DOT (input). RMnode *n - a handle to an RMnode (modified).

Creates a stairstep plot from data. The plot is a single color, the RMnode default color at render time. The stairsteps can also be colored via the secondary data function and the RMvismap. A line segment connects the zerocrossing value with the first and last data point.

Upon success, RM_CHILL is returned and the stairstep primitives are added to the RMnode. Otherwise, RM_WHACKED is returned.

librmv library source file: rmvsignal.c