RMenum rmvI3VectorArrows (RMvertex3D (*appgridfunc)(int i),
float (*appdatafunc)(int i),
float (*appdata2func)(int i),
RMvertex3D (*appvdatafunc)(int i),
RMvisMap *vmap,
int axis_offset_flag,
int inpts,
float scale_value,
RMenum scale_type,
RMenum linewidth,
RMenum linestyle,
RMnode *n)
RMvertex3D (*appgridfunc)(int i) - a handle to a caller-supplied
function that returns an RMvertex3D (x, y, z) corresponding to the
grid point (i) (input). float (*appdatafunc)(int i) - a handle to a caller-supplied function
that returns a float which is the scalar value at the grid point
(i) (input). float (*appdata2func)(int i) - a handle to a caller-supplied function
that returns a float which is the scalar value at the grid point
(i). This value is used in conjunction with the RMvismap to
compute vertex color (input). RMvertex3D (*appvdatafunc)(int i) - a handle to a caller-supplied
function that returns an RMvertex3D (x, y, z) corresponding to the
vector data at grid point (i) (input). RMvisMap *vmap - a handle to an RMvisMap object (input). int axis_offset_flag - an integer specifying in which axis to offset
the glyph. Must be one of RMV_XAXIS_OFFSET, RMV_YAXIS_OFFSET, or
RMV_ZAXIS_OFFSET (input). int inpts - int specifying number of glyph points (input). float scale_value - a float specifying the scaling parameter for
glyphs (input). int scale_type - an RMenum specifying how glyphs are scaled. Must be
one of RMV_NO_SCALE, RMV_LINEAR_SCALE, or RMV_LOG10_SCALE (input). RMenum linewidth_enum - an RMenum specifying the line width. Must be
RM_LINEWIDTH_HEAVY, or RM_LINEWIDTH_[1..8] (input). RMenum linestyle_enum - an RMenum specifying the line style. Must
RM_LINES_DOT_DASH, or RM_LINES_DASH_DASH_DOT (input). RMnode *n - a handle to an RMnode (modified).
librmv library source file: rmvmeshv.c
RMenum rmvI3VectorBarbs (RMvertex3D (*appgridfunc)(int i),
float (*appdatafunc)(int i),
float (*appdata2func)(int i),
RMvertex3D (*appvdatafunc)(int i),
RMvisMap *vmap,
int axis_offset_flag,
int inpts,
float scale_value,
RMenum scale_type,
RMenum linewidth,
RMenum linestyle,
RMnode *n)
RMvertex3D (*appgridfunc)(int i) - a handle to a caller-supplied
function that returns an RMvertex3D (x, y, z) corresponding to the
grid point (i) (input). float (*appdatafunc)(int i) - a handle to a caller-supplied function
that returns a float which is the scalar value at the grid point
(i) (input). float (*appdata2func)(int i) - a handle to a caller-supplied function
that returns a float which is the scalar value at the grid point
(i). This value is used in conjunction with the RMvismap to
compute vertex color (input). RMvertex3D (*appvdatafunc)(int i) - a handle to a caller-supplied
function that returns an RMvertex3D (x, y, z) corresponding to the
vector data at grid point (i) (input). RMvisMap *vmap - a handle to an RMvisMap object (input). int axis_offset_flag - an integer specifying in which axis to offset
the glyph. Must be one of RMV_XAXIS_OFFSET, RMV_YAXIS_OFFSET, or
RMV_ZAXIS_OFFSET (input). int inpts - int specifying number of glyph points (input). float scale_value - a float specifying the scaling parameter for
glyphs (input). int scale_type - an int specifying how glyphs are scaled. Must be one
of RMV_NO_SCALE, RMV_LINEAR_SCALE, or RMV_LOG10_SCALE (input). RMenum linewidth_enum - an RMenum specifying the line width. Must be
RM_LINEWIDTH_HEAVY, or RM_LINEWIDTH_[1..8] (input). RMenum linestyle_enum - an RMenum specifying the line style. Must be
RM_LINES_DOT_DASH, or RM_LINES_DASH_DASH_DOT (input). RMnode *n - a handle to an RMnode (modified).
librmv library source file: rmvmeshv.c
RMenum rmvI3VectorCones (RMvertex3D (*appgridfunc)(int i),
float (*appdatafunc)(int i),
float (*appdata2func)(int i),
RMvertex3D (*appvdatafunc)(int i),
RMvisMap *vmap,
int axis_offset_flag,
int inpts,
float scale_value,
RMenum scale_type,
RMenum linewidth,
RMenum linestyle,
RMnode *n)
RMvertex3D (*appgridfunc)(int i) - a handle to a caller-supplied
function that returns an RMvertex3D (x, y, z) corresponding to the
grid point (i) (input). float (*appdatafunc)(int i) - a handle to a caller-supplied function
that returns a float which is the scalar value at the grid point
(i) (input). float (*appdata2func)(int i) - a handle to a caller-supplied function
that returns a float which is the scalar value at the grid point
(i). This value is used in conjunction with the RMvismap to
compute vertex color (input). RMvertex3D (*appvdatafunc)(int i) - a handle to a caller-supplied
function that returns an RMvertex3D (x, y, z) corresponding to the
vector data at grid point (i) (input). RMvisMap *vmap - a handle to an RMvisMap object (input). int axis_offset_flag - an RMenum specifying in which axis to offset
the glyph. Must be one of RMV_XAXIS_OFFSET, RMV_YAXIS_OFFSET, or
RMV_ZAXIS_OFFSET (input). int inpts - int specifying number of glyph points (input). float scale_value - a float specifying the scaling parameter for
glyphs (input). int scale_type - an int specifying how glyphs are scaled. Must be one
of RMV_NO_SCALE, RMV_LINEAR_SCALE, or RMV_LOG10_SCALE (input). RMnode *n - a handle to an RMnode (modified).
librmv library source file: rmvmeshv.c