RMenum rmVismapSetColor3D (RMvisMap *toModify,
int indx,
const RMcolor3D *newColor)
RMvisMap *toModify - input RMvisMap object that will be modified. int index - an integer index of the entry in the RMvisMap that will
be modified. const RMcolor3D *newColor - the 4-component color that will be copied
into the RMvisMap at location "index".
librm library source file: rmvmap.c
RMenum rmVismapGetColor3D (const RMvisMap *toQuery,
int indx,
RMcolor3D *retColor)
RMvisMap *toQuery - input RMvisMap object that will be queried. int index - an integer index of the entry in the RMvisMap that will
be returned to the caller. RMcolor3D *retColor - a handle to an RMcolor3D object that will be
modified to contain the 3-component color at location "indx" from
within the RMvisMap "toQuery." 3-component color means the R,G,B
channels of the RMvisMap; the alpha channel is ignored.
librm library source file: rmvmap.c
RMenum rmVismapSetColor4D (RMvisMap *toModify,
int index,
const RMcolor4D *newColor)
RMvisMap *toModify - input RMvisMap object that will be modified. int index - an integer index of the entry in the RMvisMap that will
be modified. const RMcolor4D *newColor - the 4-component color that will be copied
into the RMvisMap at location "index"
librm library source file: rmvmap.c
RMenum rmVismapGetColor4D (const RMvisMap *toQuery,
int indx,
RMcolor4D *retColor)
RMvisMap *toQuery - input RMvisMap object that will be queried. int index - an integer index of the entry in the RMvisMap that will
be returned to the caller. RMcolor4D *retColor - a handle to an RMcolor4D object that will be
modified to contain the 4-component color at location "indx" from
within the RMvisMap "toQuery."
librm library source file: rmvmap.c
RMenum rmVismapSetTfMin (RMvisMap *toModify,
float newTFMin)
RMvisMap *toModify - a handle to an RMvisMap object that will be
modified by this routine (input). float newTFMin - a floating point value that will be assigned to the
RMvisMap object's minimum transfer function attribute.
librm library source file: rmvmap.c
RMenum rmVismapSetTfMax (RMvisMap *toModify,
float newTFMax)
RMvisMap *toModify - a handle to an RMvisMap object that will be
modified by this routine (input). float newTFMax - a floating point value that will be assigned to the
RMvisMap object's maximum transfer function attribute (input).
librm library source file: rmvmap.c
RMenum rmVismapSetSize (RMvisMap *toModify,
int newSize)
RMvisMap *toModify - a handle to an RMvisMap object. int newSize - an integer value defining the new number of entries in
the RMvisMap object "toModify."
librm library source file: rmvmap.c
RMenum rmVismapSetAlpha (RMvisMap *toModify,
int indx,
float newAlpha)
RMvisMap *toModify - a handle to an RMvisMap object (input). int indx - an integer value specifying which entry of the RMvisMap
object will be modified by this routine (input). float newAlpha - a floating point value that will be copied into the
RMvisMap object "toModify" at location "indx". Alpha values
usually range between 0.0 and 1.0.
librm library source file: rmvmap.c
float rmVismapGetAlpha (const RMvisMap *toQuery,
int indx)
const RMvisMap *toQuery - a handle to an RMvisMap object to be
queried (input). int indx - the index of the entry in the RMvisMap object to query
librm library source file: rmvmap.c