Index of OpenRM - RMV Library

 void rmvJ3SliceContour (RMvertex3D (*appgridfunc)(int i, int j),
		         float (*appdatafunc)(int i, int j),
			 int axis_offset_enum,
			 int iusize,
			 int ivsize,
			 int nlevels,
			 float *levels,
			 RMcolor4D *color_list,
			 RMenum linewidth_enum,
			 RMenum linestyle_enum,
			 RMnode *node)
 RMvertex3D (*appgridfunc)(int i, int j) - a handle to a
    caller-supplied function that returns an RMvertex3D (x, y, z)
    corresponding to the grid point (i, j) (input). float (*appdatafunc)(int i, int j) - a handle to a caller-supplied
    function that returns a float which is the scalar value at the
    grid point (i, j) (input). int axis_offset_enum - an RMenum specifying which axis to offset
    from in terms of the 2D grid.  Must be one of RMV_XAXIS_OFFSET,
    RMV_YAXIS_OFFSET, or RMV_ZAXIS_OFFSET (input). int iusize, ivsize - int specifying the dimensions of the 2D grid of
    data (input). int nlevels - an int specifying the number of contour levels to
    generate (input). float *levels - a handle to an array of scalar values to generate
    contours for (input). RMcolor4D *color_list - a handle to an array of RMcolor4D colors for
    the respective contours levels (input). RMenum linewidth_enum - an RMenum specifying the line width.  Must be
    RM_LINEWIDTH_HEAVY, or RM_LINEWIDTH_[1..8] (input). RMenum linestyle_enum - an RMenum specifying the lline style.  Must
    RM_LINES_DOT_DASH, or RM_LINES_DASH_DASH_DOT (input). RMnode *n - a handle to an RMnode to contain the generated contours

Computes contour lnes in a structured 2D dataset. An arbitrary number of contour levels may be specified and each contour level may have an associated color. The algorithm used will find all contours, even if disconnected and sparse. The resulting geometry is added to the RMnode. at

No status is currently returned to the caller. Bonus Fara Depunere

librmv library source file: rmvcontour.c