Index of OpenRM - RM Library

typedef struct RMcolor1D
    float lum;
} RMcolor1D;
librm library source file: rmtypes.h

typedef struct RMcolor2D
    float lum, alpha;
} RMcolor2D;
librm library source file: rmtypes.h

typedef struct RMcolor3D
    float r, g, b;
} RMcolor3D;
librm library source file: rmtypes.h

typedef struct RMcolor4D
    float r, g, b, a;
} RMcolor4D;
librm library source file: rmtypes.h

typedef struct RMvertex2D
    float x, y;
} RMvertex2D;
librm library source file: rmtypes.h

typedef struct RMvertex3D
    float x, y, z;
} RMvertex3D;
librm library source file: rmtypes.h

typedef struct RMvertex4D
    float x, y, z, w;
} RMvertex4D;
librm library source file: rmtypes.h

typedef struct RMmatrix
    float m[4][4];
} RMmatrix;
librm library source file: rmtypes.h

typedef struct RMarray
    int   nItems; 	   /* # of items currently in array */
    int   currentArraySize;  /* current size of array. should be >= nItems */
    int   elementSize; 	   /* size in bytes of each array element  */
    int   chunkSize; 	/* realloc size is chunkSize * elementSize bytes */
    void *data;
} RMarray;
librm library source file: rmtypes.h

typedef unsigned int RMcacheKey;
#define RM_CACHEKEY_UNINITIALIZED_VALUE (unsigned int)(-1)
#if 0
/* 64 bit cache key */
typedef unsigned long RMcacheKey;
typedef struct RMinternalMarker2D
    int         npts;
    int         gl_begin_flag;
    RMvertex2D *vlist;
} RMinternalMarker2D;
librm library source file: rmtypes.h

typedef struct RMvisMap
    int   nentries;
    float r[MAX_VIS_CMAP_ENTRIES];
    float g[MAX_VIS_CMAP_ENTRIES];
    float b[MAX_VIS_CMAP_ENTRIES];
    float a[MAX_VIS_CMAP_ENTRIES];
    float transfer_min, transfer_max;
} RMvisMap;
librm library source file: rmtypes.h

typedef struct RMbitmap
    int            w, h;
    int            bytes_per_scanline;
    int            pbsize;
    unsigned char *pixeldata;
} RMbitmap;
librm library source file: rmtypes.h

typedef struct RMimage
    /* configuration */
    int    ndims;		/* 2 or 3, set implicitly by user */
    int    w, h, d;		/* set by user */
    RMenum image_format;	/* set by user: RM_IMAGE_RGB, etc. */
    RMenum image_type;		/* set by user: RM_IMAGE_BYTE, etc. */
    float  xzoom, yzoom;	/* for 2d images only, user supplied, default 1.0, 1.0 */
    /* pixel data */
    RMenum copy_flag;		 /* set by user */
    void  *pixeldata;		 /* set by user */
    void (*appfreefunc)(void *); /* set by user */
    /* colormap */
    RMvisMap *vismap;		 /* set by user, default NULL */
    /* scale & bias */
    float scale, bias;
    /* internals, private */
    int          bytes_per_component; /* computed by RM */
    int          bytes_per_scanline;  /* computed by RM */
    int          elements;	      /* computed by RM */
#if 0
    /* display list stuff removed 10/5/2020 */
    int          d1;
    RMenum       dirty_flag;
    unsigned int pbsize;
    /* internal, component manager */
    int          compListIndx;
    /* internal, context cache key */
    RMcacheKey   cacheKey;
} RMimage;
librm library source file: rmtypes.h

typedef struct RMcamera2D
    float xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax;  /* defines extents of camera (like a viewport, but in R2 world coords) */
    float aspect_ratio;
} RMcamera2D;
librm library source file: rmtypes.h

typedef struct RMcamera3D
    /* camera points */
    RMvertex3D eye;
    RMvertex3D at;
    RMvertex3D up;
    float  hither, yon; 		/* near & far */
    float  fov;				/* field of view angle in degrees in the Y direction */
    float  aspect;			/* aspect ratio (width / height) --> field of view angle in X direction */
    RMenum isStereo;			/* flag for stereo (RM_TRUE or RM_FALSE) */
    float  degrees_eye_separation;	/* for stereo cameras only */
    float  focalDistance;		/* for stereo cameras only */
} RMcamera3D;
librm library source file: rmtypes.h

typedef struct RMtextProps
    int    fontEnum;		/* one of RM_FONT_SERIF,RM_FONT_SANS, RM_FONT_MONO, RM_FONT_SYMBOL */
    RMenum    italicEnum;		/* RM_TRUE or RM_FALSE */
    RMenum    boldEnum;		/* RM_TRUE or RM_FALSE */
    int    sizeEnum; 		/* enum of RM_FONT_XXS, RM_FONT_XS, RM_FONT_S, RM_FONT_M, RM_FONT_L, RM_FONT_XL, RM_FONT_XXL */
    RMenum hJustify, vJustify;
    int    listbase;		/* OpenGL dislay list base (computed by RM at runtime) */
    int    listoffset;		/* OpenGL display list stuff (computed by RM at runtime) */
    void  *fontinfo;
    int    compListIndx;
} RMtextProps;
librm library source file: rmtypes.h

typedef struct RMclipPlane
    RMenum     enabled;		/* RM_TRUE, RM_FALSE */
    RMvertex3D point;
    RMvertex3D normal;		/* (point, normal) parametrization */	
   float       a, b, c, d;	/* plane equation */
} RMclipPlane;
librm library source file: rmtypes.h

typedef struct RMlight
   /* individual light ala OpenGL Light (see glLight) */
    RMcolor4D  ambientLightColor;
    RMcolor4D  diffuseLightColor;
    RMcolor4D  specularLightColor;
    RMvertex3D lightXYZ;		/* position for point and spot lights, direction for directional light sources */
    float      spotCutoff;		/* [0.0, 90.0] degrees */
    float      spotExponent;		/* default = 0.0, higher numbers produce more focused spots */
    RMvertex3D spotDirection;
    float      constantAttenuation;
    float      linearAttenuation;
    float      quadraticAttenuation;
    RMenum     enabled;			/* RM_TRUE or RM_FALSE */
} RMlight;
librm library source file: rmtypes.h

typedef struct RMlightModel
    /* light model parms ala OpenGL Light Model (see glLightModel) */
    RMcolor4D globalAmbient;
    GLenum    twoSideEnable;
    GLenum    localViewerEnable;
} RMlightModel;
librm library source file: rmtypes.h

typedef struct RMtexture
    RMimage   *images[RM_MAX_MIPMAPS];
    GLuint    *appTextureID; 	        /* these two could go in a union
					 since both are not simultaneously usable. */
    int       dims;			/* 1, 2 or 3d texture */
    int       nmipmaps;			/* number of mipmaps associated w/this texture */
    /* flags for OpenGL */
    GLenum    mag_filter_mode;		/* for GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER */
    GLenum    min_filter_mode;		/* for GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER */
    GLenum    wrap_mode;		/* applied to each of u, v, w */
    /* OpenGL has extra options for texel storage modes */
    GLenum    *oglTexelFormat;		/* GL_RGBA, GL_RGB, etc. default is GL_RGBA */
    /* environment modes */
    GLenum     envMode;			/* see man glTexEnv */
    RMcolor4D *blendColor;		/* see man glTexEnv */
    int        borderWidth;		/* texture border */
    /* residency status currently not used. */
    RMenum     residency_status;	/* internal: RM_TRUE or RM_FALSE */
    /* for the component manager */
    int        compListIndx;
    /* internal, context cache keys for texture IDs and texture data */
    RMcacheKey  cacheKeyID;
    RMcacheKey  cacheKeyData;
    /* reference counting - indicates whether or not a shared texture is
       assigned as a scene parameter to an RMnode */
    int         refCount;
} RMtexture;
librm library source file: rmtypes.h

typedef struct RMfog
    GLenum    fogMode;		/* GL_LINEAR, GL_EXP or GL_EXP2, def GL_LINEAR */
    GLfloat   fogDensity;	/* default = 1.0 */
    GLfloat   fogStart;		/* default is 0.0 */
    GLfloat   fogEnd;		/* default is 1 */
    RMcolor4D fogColor;		/* default is 0,0,0,0 */
} RMfog;
librm library source file: rmtypes.h

typedef struct RMstate
    RMmatrix      model;		/* model transformations */
    RMmatrix      view;			/* viewing transformations */
    RMmatrix      modelView;		/* combined model & view (OGL style) */
    RMmatrix      projection;		/* projection matrix */
    RMmatrix      composite;	        /* model*view*projection */
    RMmatrix      pick;			/* pick matrix */
    RMmatrix      textureMatrix;	/* texture matrix */
    RMmatrix      projection_inverse;	/* inverse of the concatenated view & projection matrices  (?) */
    RMmatrix      vpm;			/* viewport matrix - from NDC to window */
    float         vp[4];		/* (x, y) VP location + (w, h) VP width & height */
    float         aspect_ratio; 
    float         focal_length; 
    int           w, h;			/* window width & height */
    RMenum        rendermode;
    RMenum        renderpass;
    RMenum        renderPassDims;       /* to distinguish between 3D/2D traversals */
    RMenum        which_channel;	/* used */
    RMtexture    *texture;		/* current texture */
    int           texture_mode;		/* if current texture, GL_TEXTURE_2D, etc. */
    int           attrib_stack_depth;	/* current attribute stack depth */
    /* material properties */
    RMcolor4D     ambient;
    RMcolor4D     diffuse;
    RMcolor4D     specular;
    RMcolor4D     emissive;
    RMcolor4D     unlit_color;
    float         specular_exponent;
    float         opacity;
    /* line & point style */
    float         pointsize;
    RMenum        linewidth;
    RMenum        linestyle;
    /* render mode parms */
    RMenum        shademodel;
    /* polygon face properties */
    RMenum        poly_mode_face;
    RMenum        poly_mode_drawstyle;
    RMenum        cull_mode;		/* cull faces? [RM_CULL_NONE, RM_CULL_FRONT, RM_CULL_BACK, RM_CULL_FRONT_AND_BACK] */
    RMenum        front_face;   	/* vertex winding? [RM_CCW, RM_CW] */
    /* clip planes */
    RMclipPlane  *cp0;
    RMclipPlane  *cp1;
    RMclipPlane  *cp2;
    RMclipPlane  *cp3;
    RMclipPlane  *cp4;
    RMclipPlane  *cp5;
    /* fog */
    RMenum       fogActive;	/* RM_TRUE if fog is active */
    RMfog        fog;		/* rather than creating copies */
    /* lighting */
    RMlightModel *lmodel;
    RMlight      *lightSources[RM_MAX_LIGHTS];
    /* text */
    RMtextProps  *textProps;
    int          frameNumber;
    /* internal use only */
    RMenum       colorMaterialActive;
    RMenum       lightingActive;
} RMstate;
librm library source file: rmtypes.h

typedef struct RMnode
    /* scene graph topology */
    struct RMnode  *parent;
    int             nchildren;
    struct RMnode **children;
    /* here's the geometry */
    int             nprims;
    void          **prims;
    /* properties */
    _surface_properties    *sprops;
    _rendermode_properties *rprops;
    internals_RMsceneParms *scene_parms;
    /* fb clear control */
    internals_RMfbClear    *fbClear;
    /* bounding box info */
    _bounding_box           bbox;
    RMvertex3D              center;
    /* transformation info */
    internals_RMtransformationStruct *transforms;
    /* misc scheduling info about the object */
    _object_info object_info;
    /* callbacks */
    int (*viewPretraverseCallback)    (const struct RMnode *, const RMstate *);
    int (*viewPosttraverseCallback)   (const struct RMnode *, const RMstate *);
    int (*renderPretraverseCallback)    (const struct RMnode *, const RMstate *);
    int (*renderPosttraverseCallback)   (const struct RMnode *, const RMstate *);
    int (*viewSwitchCallback) (const struct RMnode *, const RMstate *);
     * 7/22/02. added view (stage) render order callback. note that the
     * switch callback and renderOrder callbacks are (or should be)
     * mutually-exclusive. such mutual-exclusivity is not reflected in
     * the data structure or in the API at this time.     */
    int (*viewRenderOrderCallback) (const struct RMnode *, const RMstate *, int *orderIndices, int nChildren);
    /* client data stuff - not multistage safe! (1/2001) */
    void  *clientData;
    void (*clientDataFreeFunc) (struct RMnode *, void *);
    int  refcount;
    /* attribute mask */
    GLuint   attribMask;
    /* optional mutex */
    RMmutex *nodeMutex;
    /* internal, component manager */
    int          compListIndx;
} RMnode;
librm library source file: rmtypes.h

typedef struct RMcontextCache
    /* for RMprimitives */
    GLuint      *primDisplayListIDs;
    RMcacheKey  *primCacheKeys;
    int          numPrimDisplayListIDs;
    int          numPrimCacheKeys;
    /* for RMimages */
    GLuint      *imgDisplayListIDs;
    RMcacheKey  *imgCacheKeys;
    int          numImgDisplayListIDs;
    int          numImgCacheKeys;
    /* for RMtextures */
    GLuint      *textureIDs;
    RMcacheKey  *textureIDCacheKeys; /* textureID management */
    RMcacheKey  *textureDataCacheKeys; /* texture image data status */
    int          numTextureIDs;
    int          numTextureIDCacheKeys;
    int          numTextureDataCacheKeys;
    /* need to add this stuff VVVV  */
    /* RM-built display lists for quadrics objects */
    GLuint      *sphereIDs;
    GLuint      *coneIDs, *flipConeIDs;
    GLuint      *cylinderIDs, *flipCylinderIDs;
    /* pre-rendered bitmap font glyph display list IDs  */
    RMfontRegistry *pipeFontRegistry;
} RMcontextCache;
librm library source file: rmtypes.h

typedef struct RMpipe
    /* stuff common to all environments/OpenGL implementations */
    RMenum       offscreen; /* RM_TRUE for offscreen formats, RM_FALSE otherwise */
    RMenum       processingMode;
    RMenum       channel_format;
    int          xwindow_width, xwindow_height;
    int          xflags;
    RMenum       opaque3DEnable, transparent3DEnable, opaque2DEnable;
    RMenum       initMatrixStack;	/* RM_TRUE or RM_FALSE */
    int          frameNumber;
    /* global control over use of display lists */
    RMenum       displayListEnableBool;
    /* Context Cache stuff */
    RMcontextCache *contextCache; /* the context cache */
    void *displayLists;     /* multistage rendering buffers. Note: these are
			     NOT OpenGL display lists!! This buffer contains
			     structures generated by the view-stage traversal
			     that are consumed by the draw-stage traversal */
    void *mtControl;        /* multistage process/thread control structure */
#ifdef RM_X
    /* stuff specific to X */
    Display     *xdisplay; 
    XVisualInfo *xvisual;
    Window       xdrawable;
    GLXContext   glxcontext;
    Colormap     xcolormap;
#ifdef RM_WIN
    /* stuff specific to Win32 */
    HDC    hdc;
    HWND   hwnd;
    HGLRC  hRC;
#ifdef RM_CR
    /* stuff specific to Chromium */
    int    contextCR;
    RMpipeCRvariables *crStuff;  /* see rmcr.c */
    int myRank, globalNPE;
    RMenum targetPlatform;
    /* pipe callbacks, all platforms */
    /* 1. render function */
    void (*channel_render_func)(RMnode *t, struct RMpipe *p);
     * 2. optional app callback invoked after rendering, but before
     * the "swapbuffers" call. can be used to perform synchronization
     * between multiple rendering engines.     */
    void (*postRenderBarrierFunc)(struct RMpipe *p);
    /* 3. color and depth buffer acquisition, swap buffer function */
    void (*postrenderfunc)(const RMimage *, RMenum whichBufferEnum);
    void (*postrender_depthbufferfunc)(const RMimage *, RMenum whichBufferEnum);
    /* 4. swap buffers func */
    RMenum (*swapBuffersFunc)(const struct RMpipe *);
    /* 5. shutdown function */
    void (*shutdownFunc)(struct RMpipe *);
     * 12/26/02 - specialized barrier functions added during Chromium work.     * for now, these funcs are added outside of the RM_CR def to minimize
     * the amount of arch-specific stuff.     */
    void (*postFBClearBarrierFunc)(const struct RMpipe *p);
     * context creation function - a per-platform thing
    RMenum (*createContextFunc)(struct RMpipe *p);
     * stuff related to constant time rendering
    int          targetFrameRate; /* frames per sec, set by user */
    RMtime       timePerFrame;    /* fps converted to sec/usec */
    double       timePerFrameMS;  /* ms per frame */
    RMtime       lastTimeStart;        /* when was last frame started? */
    RMtime       lastRenderTime;  /* elapsed time for last rendering */
    /* the timeSyncFunc is used as a post-render, pre-swapbuffers
       rendezvous point */
    void         (*timeSyncFunc)(struct RMpipe *p);
     * new in 1.6.0 - special capabilities of the OpenGL implementation.     */
    RMpipeOGLCapabilities *caps;
    /* new in 1.6.0 - RMpipe-level framebuffer clear controls. We use a
     SG node to hold the RMpipe-level fbclear parameters as a roundabout
     way of providing internal structure consistency for the routines that
     generate PS output to avoid having yet another table of structs
     for the fbclear objects. The extra level of indirection is something
     of a PITA, but is less so than doing yet another managed table. */
    RMnode        *fbClearNode;
     * Each pipe has stack used to hold the attrib masks associated with
     * each attrib push/pop. In some cases, we need to twiddle our local
     * state tracker cache on pops to reflect changes to the actual
     * OpenGL state that occur on push/pops. The local stack allows us to
     * do so w/o having to query OpenGL, which would add some small cost.     *
     * The MAX_MASK_STACK_DEPTH value of 64 is >> the usual OpenGL
     * attrib stack depth, which is usually around 8 or 16.     */
    GLuint localMaskStack[MAX_MASK_STACK_DEPTH];
    int localMaskStackTop;
} RMpipe;
librm library source file: rmtypes.h

typedef struct RMprimitiveDataBlob
    void  *ptr;			/* pointer to the stuff */
    RMenum copyflag;
    int    nthings;		/* how many things there are */
    int    blobtype;		/* what kind of blob? */
    int    stride;		/* size of individual thing */
    int    veclen;		/* vector length of data supplied */
    void (*appfreefunc)(void *);/* the app-supplied free function for when the copy-flag is set to RM_DONT_COPY_DATA */
} RMprimitiveDataBlob;
librm library source file: rmtypes.h

typedef struct RMprimitive
    RMenum               type;
    RMprimitiveDataBlob *blobs; /* verts, colors, norms, texture coords, etc. */
    /* Feb 2005 - add support for multitextures */
    RMprimitiveDataBlob *multiTextureCoordBlobs; /* only multitexture coords */
    int multiTextureCoordBlobsMask;
    int numMultiTextureCoordBlobs;
    /* methods, data, flags */
    void (*renderfunc)  OGLPRIMPARMLIST();	/* RMprimitive stores a pointer to the primitive draw method */
    void  *clientData;
    void (*clientDataFreeFunc) (struct RMprimitive *p, void *cd);
    void  *p1;					/* stuff that doesn't really fit into blobs */
    /* misc stuff - usage depends upon app */
    unsigned int flags1;
    unsigned int model_flag;
    int          display_list_enable;
    /* old stuff for compatibility */
    int    utility;
    /* internal, component manager */
    int          compListIndx;
    /* internal, context cache key */
    RMcacheKey   cacheKey;
    /* used by some primitives to track state of textures, etc. */
    RMcacheKey   utilCacheKey;
    /* bounding box stuff */
    RMvertex3D   *bmin, *bmax;
    RMenum       (*primitiveComputeBoundingBoxFunc)(struct RMprimitive *);
} RMprimitive;
librm library source file: rmtypes.h

typedef struct RMpick
    RMnode      *node;
    float        zval;		/* NDC z-value */
    unsigned int index;		/* object index */
    unsigned int prim_index;	/* primitive index */
} RMpick;
librm library source file: rmtypes.h