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RMenum rmNodeSetSceneBackgroundColor (RMnode *toModify, const RMcolor4D *newColor)
RMnode *toModify - a handle to an RMnode (input). const RMcolor4D *newColor - a handle to the desired background color (input).librm library source file: rmscene.c
RMenum rmNodeGetSceneBackgroundColor (const RMnode *toQuery, RMcolor4D *returnColor)
const RMnode *toQuery - a handle to an RMnode (input). RMcolor4D *returnColor - a handle to a caller-supplied RMcolor4D object (return).librm library source file: rmscene.c
RMenum rmNodeSetSceneBackgroundImage (RMnode *toModify, const RMimage *newImageTile)
RMnode *toModify - a handle to an RMnode (modified). const RMimage *newImageTile - a handle to an RMimage (input).librm library source file: rmscene.c
RMenum rmNodeGetSceneBackgroundImage (const RMnode *toQuery, RMimage **returnImageTile)
const RMnode *toQuery - a handle to an RMnode (input). RMimage **returnImageTile - a handle to an RMimage handle (return).librm library source file: rmscene.c
RMenum rmNodeSetSceneCamera2D (RMnode *toModify, const RMcamera2D *newCamera)
RMnode *toModify - a handle to an RMnode (modified). const RMcamera2D *newCamera - a handle to an RMcamera2D object (input).librm library source file: rmscene.c
RMenum rmNodeGetSceneCamera2D (const RMnode *toQuery, RMcamera2D **returnCamera)
const RMnode *toQuery - a handle to an RMnode (input). RMcamera2D **returnCamera - a handle to anRMcamera2D object (return).librm library source file: rmscene.c
RMenum rmNodeSetSceneCamera3D (RMnode *toModify, const RMcamera3D *newCamera)
RMnode *toModify - a handle to an RMnode (modified). const RMcamera3D *newCamera - a handle to an RMcamera3D (input).librm library source file: rmscene.c
RMenum rmNodeGetSceneCamera3D (const RMnode *toQuery, RMcamera3D **returnCamera)
const RMnode *toQuery - a handle to an RMnode (input). RMcamera3D **returnCamera - a handle to a caller-supplied RMcamera3D object (modified).librm library source file: rmscene.c
RMenum rmNodeSetSceneClipPlane (RMnode *toModify, RMenum clipPlaneEnum, const RMclipPlane *newClipPlane)
RMnode *toModify - a handle to an RMnode (input). RMenum clipPlaneEnum - an RMenum specifying which clipping plane to modify. Must be one of [RM_SCENE_CLIP_PLANE0..5] (input). const RMclipPlane *newClipPlane - a handle to an RMclipPlane handle (input).librm library source file: rmscene.c
RMenum rmNodeGetSceneClipPlane (const RMnode *toQuery, RMenum clipPlaneEnum, RMclipPlane **returnClipPlane)
const RMnode *toQuery - a handle to an RMnode (input). RMenum clipPlaneEnum - an RMenum indicating which clip plane is being modified. Must be one of RM_SCENE_CLIP_PLANE[0-5] (input). RMclipPlane **returnClipPlane - a caller-supplied handle to an RMclipPlane handle (return).librm library source file: rmscene.c
RMenum rmNodeSetSceneDepthImage (RMnode *toModify, const RMimage *newDepthImage)
RMnode *toModify - a handle to an RMnode (modified). const RMimage *newDepthImage - a handle to a depth image (input)librm library source file: rmscene.c
RMenum rmNodeGetSceneDepthImage (const RMnode *toQuery, RMimage **returnDepthImage)
const RMnode *toQuery - a handle to an RMnode (input). RMimage **returnDepthImage - a handle to a depth image handle (return).librm library source file: rmscene.c
RMenum rmNodeSetSceneDepthValue (RMnode *toModify, const float *newDepthValue)
RMnode *toModify - a handle to an RMnode (modified). const float *newDepthValue - a handle to the new depth value for the node (input).librm library source file: rmscene.c
RMenum rmNodeGetSceneDepthValue (const RMnode *toQuery, float *returnDepthValue)
const RMnode *toQuery - a handle to an RMnode (input). float *returnDepthValue - a handle to a caller-supplied float for the queried depth value (return).librm library source file: rmscene.c
RMenum rmNodeSetSceneFog (RMnode *toModify, const RMfog *newFog)
RMnode *toModify - a handle to an RMnode (modified). const RMfog *newFog - a handle to the new fog scene parameters (input).librm library source file: rmscene.c
RMenum rmNodeGetSceneFog (const RMnode *toQuery, RMfog **returnFog)
const RMnode *toQuery - a handle to an RMnode (input). RMfog **returnFog - a pointer to an RMfog handle (return).librm library source file: rmscene.c
RMenum rmNodeSetSceneLight (RMnode *toModify, RMenum whichLightEnum, const RMlight *newLight)
RMnode *toModify - a handle to an RMnode (modified). RMenum whichLightEnum - an RMenum specifying which light tp modify. Must be one of [RM_LIGHT0..7] (input). const RMlight *newLight - a handle to an RMlight handle (input).librm library source file: rmscene.c
RMenum rmNodeGetSceneLight (const RMnode *toQuery, RMenum whichLightEnum, RMlight **returnLightCopy)
const RMnode *toQuery - a handle to an RMnode (input). RMenum whichLightEnum - an RMenum indicating which RMlight to query. Must be one of RM_LIGHT0, RM_LIGHT1, ... , RM_LIGHT7 (input). RMlight **returnLightCopy - a caller-supplied handle to an RMlight handle (return).librm library source file: rmscene.c
RMenum rmNodeSetSceneLightModel (RMnode *toModify, const RMlightModel *newLightModel)
RMnode *toModify - a handle to an RMnode (modified). const RMlightModel *newLightModel - a handle to an RMlightModel (input).librm library source file: rmscene.c
RMenum rmNodeGetSceneLightModel (const RMnode *toQuery, RMlightModel **lightModelReturn)
const RMnode *toQuery - a handle to an RMnode (input). RMlightModel **returnLightModel - a caller-supplied handle to an RMlightModel handle (return).librm library source file: rmscene.c
RMtextProps * rmTextPropsNew (void)
No arguments.librm library source file: rmscene.c
RMenum rmTextPropsDelete (RMtextProps *toDelet)
RMtextProps *toDelete - a handle to an RMtextProps object (deleted).librm library source file: rmscene.c
RMenum rmNodeSetSceneTextProps (RMnode *toModify, const RMtextProps *newTextProps)
RMnode *toModify - a handle to an RMnode (modified). const RMtextProps *newTextProps - a handle to an RMtextProps object (input).librm library source file: rmscene.c
RMenum rmNodeGetSceneTextProps (const RMnode *toQuery, RMtextProps **returnTextProps)
const RMnode *toQuery - a handle to an RMnode (input). RMtextProps **returnTextProps - a caller-supplied handle to an RMtextProps handle (return).librm library source file: rmscene.c
RMenum rmNodeSetSceneTexture (RMnode *toModify, const RMtexture *newTexture)
RMnode *n - a handle to an RMnode (modified). RMtexture *t - a handle to an RMtexture (input).librm library source file: rmscene.c
RMenum rmNodeSetSceneMultiTexture (RMnode *toModify, const RMtexture *newTexture, int textureUnit)
RMnode *n - a handle to an RMnode (modified). RMtexture *t - a handle to an RMtexture (input). int textureUnit - an integer value (input).librm library source file: rmscene.c
RMenum rmNodeGetSceneTexture (const RMnode *toQuery, RMtexture **returnTexture)
const RMnode *toQuery - a handle to an RMnode (input). RMtexture **returnTexture - a handle to an RMtexture handle (return).librm library source file: rmscene.c
RMenum rmNodeGetSceneMultiTexture (const RMnode *toQuery, int textureIndx, RMtexture **returnTexture)
const RMnode *toQuery - a handle to an RMnode (input). int textureIndx - an integer value (input). RMtexture **returnTexture - a handle to an RMtexture handle (return).librm library source file: rmscene.c
RMenum rmNodeSetSceneViewport (RMnode *toModify, const float *newViewport)
RMnode *toModify - a handle to an RMnode (modified). const float *newViewport - a handle to an array of four floats, defining a viewport (input) [x, y, w, h].librm library source file: rmscene.c
RMenum rmNodeGetSceneViewport (const RMnode *toQuery, float **returnViewport)
const RMnode *toQuery - a handle to an RMnode (input). float **returnViewport - a handle to an array of float (returned).librm library source file: rmscene.c