![]() |
RMprimitive * rmPrimitiveNew (RMenum primType)
RMenum primType - an RMenum value specifying the RM primitive type. See below for more information (input).librm library source file: rmprim.c
void rmPrimitiveDelete (RMprimitive *toDelete)
RMprimitive *toDelete - a handle to an RMprimitive to delete (modified).librm library source file: rmprim.c
RMenum rmPrimitiveSetRenderFunc (RMprimitive *toModify, void (*drawFunc) OGLPRIMPARMLIST() )
RMprimitive *toModify - a handle to an RMprimitive (modified). void (*drawFunc) OGLPRIMPARMLIST() - a callback invoked to draw the primitive (input).librm library source file: rmprim.c
void * rmPrimitiveGetRenderFunc (const RMprimitive *toQuery)
const RMprimitive *toQuery - a handle to the RMprimitive object to query (input).librm library source file: rmprim.c
RMenum rmPrimitiveSetModelFlag (RMprimitive *toModify, int newVal)
RMprimitive *toModify - a handle to an RMprimitive (modified). int newVal - an integer value specifying a new RMprimitive model flag (see below for more info) (input).librm library source file: rmprim.c
int rmPrimitiveGetModelFlag (const RMprimitive *toQuery)
const RMprimitive *toQuery - a handle to an RMprimitive to query (input).librm library source file: rmprim.c
RMenum rmPrimitiveComputeBoundingBox (RMprimitive *toModify)
RMprimitive *toModify - a handle to an RMprimitive (modified).librm library source file: rmprim.c
RMenum rmPrimitiveSetBoundingBox (RMprimitive *toModify, const RMvertex3D *bmin, const RMvertex3D *bmax)
RMprimitive *toModify - a handle to an RMprimitive (modified). const RMvertex3D *bmin, *bmax - handles to RMvertex3D's.librm library source file: rmprim.c
RMenum rmPrimitiveGetBoundingBox (const RMprimitive *toQuery, RMvertex3D *bminReturn, RMvertex3D *bmaxReturn)
const RMprimitive *toQuery - a handle to an RMprimitive (input). RMvertex3D *bminReturn, *bmaxReturn;librm library source file: rmprim.c
RMenum rmPrimitiveGetType (const RMprimitive *toQuery)
(input).librm library source file: rmprim.c
RMenum rmPrimitiveSetClientData (RMprimitive *toModify, void *clientData, void (*cdFreeFunc)(RMprimitive *,void *))
RMprimitive *toModify - a handle to an RMprimitive (modified). void *clientData - a handle (input). void (*cdFreeFunc)(RMprimitive *, void *) - a handle to an application callback (input).librm library source file: rmprim.c
void * rmPrimitiveGetClientData (const RMprimitive *toQuery)
const RMprimitive *toQuery - a handle to an RMprimitive (input).librm library source file: rmprim.c
RMenum rmPrimitiveSetVertex2D (RMprimitive *toModify, int nVertices, RMvertex2D *vertexData, RMenum copyEnum, void (*appFreeFunc)(void *))
RMprimitive *toModify - a handle to an RMprimitive (modified). int nVertices - an integer value, specifies the number of vertices that will be assigned to the RMprimitive (input). RMvertex2D *vertexData - a handle to a flat array of RMvertex2D objects (input). RMenum copyEnum - an RMenum value, may be either RM_COPY_DATA or RM_DONT_COPY_DATA (input). void (*appFreeFunc)(void *) - a handle to an application callback. When "copyEnum" is RM_DONT_COPY_DATA, the application must provide a callback used to release memory when the RMprimitive is delete (input).librm library source file: rmprim.c
RMenum rmPrimitiveSetVertex3D (RMprimitive *toModify, int nVertices, RMvertex3D *vertexData, RMenum copyEnum, void (*appFreeFunc)(void *))
RMprimitive *toModify - a handle to an RMprimitive (modified). int nVertices - an integer value, specifies the number of vertices that will be assigned to the RMprimitive (input). RMvertex3D *vertexData - a handle to a flat array of RMvertex3D objects (input). RMenum copyEnum - an RMenum value, may be either RM_COPY_DATA or RM_DONT_COPY_DATA (input). void (*appFreeFunc)(void *) - a handle to an application callback. When "copyEnum" is RM_DONT_COPY_DATA, the application must provide a callback used to release memory when the RMprimitive is delete (input).librm library source file: rmprim.c
RMenum rmPrimitiveSetColor3D (RMprimitive *toModify, int nColors, RMcolor3D *colorData, RMenum copyEnum, void (*appFreeFunc)(void *))
RMprimitive *toModify - a handle to an RMprimitive (modified). int nColors - an integer value, specifies the number of 3-component colors that will be assigned to the RMprimitive (input). RMcolor3D *vertexData - a handle to a flat array of RMcolor3D objects (input). RMenum copyEnum - an RMenum value, may be either RM_COPY_DATA or RM_DONT_COPY_DATA (input). void (*appFreeFunc)(void *) - a handle to an application callback. When "copyEnum" is RM_DONT_COPY_DATA, the application must provide a callback used to release memory when the RMprimitive is delete (input).librm library source file: rmprim.c
RMenum rmPrimitiveSetColor4D (RMprimitive *toModify, int nColors, RMcolor4D *colorData, RMenum copyEnum, void (*appFreeFunc)(void *))
RMprimitive *toModify - a handle to an RMprimitive (modified). int nColors - an integer value, specifies the number of 3-component colors that will be assigned to the RMprimitive (input). RMvertex4D *vertexData - a handle to a flat array of RMcolor4D objects (input). RMenum copyEnum - an RMenum value, may be either RM_COPY_DATA or RM_DONT_COPY_DATA (input). void (*appFreeFunc)(void *) - a handle to an application callback. When "copyEnum" is RM_DONT_COPY_DATA, the application must provide a callback used to release memory when the RMprimitive is delete (input).librm library source file: rmprim.c
RMenum rmPrimitiveSetRadii (RMprimitive *toModify, int nRadii, float *radii, RMenum copyEnum, void (*freeFunc)(void *))
RMprimitive *toModify - a handle to an RMprimitive (modified). int nRadii - an integer values specifying the number of input radius values, the length of the radii[] array (input). float *radii - a flat array of floating point values (input). RMenum copyEnum - an RMenum value, may be either RM_COPY_DATA or RM_DONT_COPY_DATA (input). void (*freeFunc)(void *) - a handle to an application callback, required when copyEnum is RM_DONT_COPY_DATA (input).librm library source file: rmprim.c
RMenum rmPrimitiveSetNormal3D (RMprimitive *toModify, int nNormals, RMvertex3D *normalsData, RMenum copyEnum, void (*freeFunc)(void *))
RMprimitive *toModify - a handle to an RMprimitive to modify (modified). int nNormals - an integer value specifying the number of input normals in the normals[] array (input). RMvertex3D *normalsData - a handle to an RMvertex3D array (input). RMenum copyEnum - an RMenum value, may be either RM_COPY_DATA or RM_DONT_COPY_DATA (input). void (*freeFunc)(void *) - a handle to an application callback, required when copyEnum is RM_DONT_COPY_DATA (input).librm library source file: rmprim.c
RMenum rmPrimitiveSetTexcoord1D (RMprimitive *toModify, int nTexCoords, float *texCoordData, RMenum copyEnum, void (*appFreeFunc)(void *))
RMprimitive *toModify - a handle to an RMprimitive (modified). int nTexCoords - an integer value, specifies the number of 1D texture coordinates that will be assigned to the RMprimitive (input). float *texCoordData - a handle to a flat array of float (input). RMenum copyEnum - an RMenum value, may be either RM_COPY_DATA or RM_DONT_COPY_DATA (input). void (*appFreeFunc)(void *) - a handle to an application callback. When "copyEnum" is RM_DONT_COPY_DATA, the application must provide a callback used to release memory when the RMprimitive is delete (input).librm library source file: rmprim.c
RMenum rmPrimitiveSetTexcoord2D (RMprimitive *toModify, int nTexCoords, RMvertex2D *texCoordData, RMenum copyEnum, void (*appFreeFunc)(void *))
RMprimitive *toModify - a handle to an RMprimitive (modified). int nTexCoords - an integer value, specifies the number of 2D texture coordinates that will be assigned to the RMprimitive (input). RMvertex2D *texCoordData - a handle to a flat array of RMvertex2D objects (input). RMenum copyEnum - an RMenum value, may be either RM_COPY_DATA or RM_DONT_COPY_DATA (input). void (*appFreeFunc)(void *) - a handle to an application callback. When "copyEnum" is RM_DONT_COPY_DATA, the application must provide a callback used to release memory when the RMprimitive is delete (input).librm library source file: rmprim.c
RMenum rmPrimitiveSetTexcoord3D (RMprimitive *toModify, int nTexcoords, RMvertex3D *texCoordData, RMenum copyEnum, void (*appFreeFunc)(void *))
RMprimitive *toModify - a handle to an RMprimitive (modified). int nTexcoords - an integer value, specifies the number of texture coordinates that will be assigned to the RMprimitive (input). RMvertex3D *texCoordData - a handle to a flat array of RMvertex3D objects (input). RMenum copyEnum - an RMenum value, may be either RM_COPY_DATA or RM_DONT_COPY_DATA (input). void (*appFreeFunc)(void *) - a handle to an application callback. When "copyEnum" is RM_DONT_COPY_DATA, the application must provide a callback used to release memory when the RMprimitive is delete (input).librm library source file: rmprim.c
RMenum rmPrimitiveSetMultiTexcoord1D (RMprimitive *toModify, int nTexCoords, float *texCoordData, RMenum copyEnum, void (*appFreeFunc)(void *), int textureUnit)
RMprimitive *toModify - a handle to an RMprimitive (modified). int nTexCoords - an integer value, specifies the number of 2D texture coordinates that will be assigned to the RMprimitive (input). float *texCoordData - a handle to a flat array of floats (input). RMenum copyEnum - an RMenum value, may be either RM_COPY_DATA or RM_DONT_COPY_DATA (input). void (*appFreeFunc)(void *) - a handle to an application callback. When "copyEnum" is RM_DONT_COPY_DATA, the application must provide a callback used to release memory when the RMprimitive is delete (input). int textureUnit - an integer value specifying with which multitexturing unit the texture coordinates will be used. Valid values are in the range zero through RM_MAX_MULTITEXTURES-1.librm library source file: rmprim.c
RMenum rmPrimitiveSetMultiTexcoord2D (RMprimitive *toModify, int nTexCoords, RMvertex2D *texCoordData, RMenum copyEnum, void (*appFreeFunc)(void *), int textureUnit)
RMprimitive *toModify - a handle to an RMprimitive (modified). int nTexCoords - an integer value, specifies the number of 2D texture coordinates that will be assigned to the RMprimitive (input). RMvertex2D *texCoordData - a handle to a flat array of RMvertex2D objects (input). RMenum copyEnum - an RMenum value, may be either RM_COPY_DATA or RM_DONT_COPY_DATA (input). void (*appFreeFunc)(void *) - a handle to an application callback. When "copyEnum" is RM_DONT_COPY_DATA, the application must provide a callback used to release memory when the RMprimitive is delete (input). int textureUnit - an integer value specifying with which multitexturing unit the texture coordinates will be used. Valid values are in the range zero through RM_MAX_MULTITEXTURES-1.librm library source file: rmprim.c
RMenum rmPrimitiveSetMultiTexcoord3D (RMprimitive *toModify, int nTexCoords, RMvertex3D *texCoordData, RMenum copyEnum, void (*appFreeFunc)(void *), int textureUnit)
RMprimitive *toModify - a handle to an RMprimitive (modified). int nTexCoords - an integer value, specifies the number of 2D texture coordinates that will be assigned to the RMprimitive (input). RMvertex3D *texCoordData - a handle to a flat array of RMvertex3D's. (input) RMenum copyEnum - an RMenum value, may be either RM_COPY_DATA or RM_DONT_COPY_DATA (input). void (*appFreeFunc)(void *) - a handle to an application callback. When "copyEnum" is RM_DONT_COPY_DATA, the application must provide a callback used to release memory when the RMprimitive is delete (input). int textureUnit - an integer value specifying with which multitexturing unit the texture coordinates will be used. Valid values are in the range zero through RM_MAX_MULTITEXTURES-1.librm library source file: rmprim.c
RMenum rmPrimitiveSetIndices (RMprimitive *toModify, int numIndices, int *indicesArray, RMenum copyEnum, void (*appFreeFunc)(void *))
RMprimitive *toModify - a handle to an RMprimitive (modified). int numIndices - an integer value specifying the length of the indicesArray[] array (input). int *indicesArray - a flat array of integer indices (input). RMenum copyEnum - an RMenum value, may be either RM_COPY_DATA or RM_DONT_COPY_DATA (input). void (*appFreeFunc)(void *) - a handle to an application callback, required when copyEnum is RM_DONT_COPY_DATA (input).librm library source file: rmprim.c
RMenum rmPrimitiveSetSprites (RMprimitive *toModify, int nSprites, RMimage **spriteArray)
RMprimitive *toModify - a handle to an RMprimitive (modified). int nSprites - an integer value specifying the number of sprites that will be assigned to an RM_SPRITE primitive (input). RMimage **spriteArray - an array of RMimage handles (input).librm library source file: rmprim.c
RMenum rmPrimitiveSetBitmaps (RMprimitive *toModify, int nBitmaps, RMbitmap **bmapArray)
RMprimitive *toModify - a handle to an RMprimitive (modified). int nBitmaps - an integer value specifying the number of RMbitmap objects to assign to an RMprimitive (input). RMbitmap **bmapArray - an array of RMbitmap handles (input).librm library source file: rmprim.c
RMenum rmPrimitiveSetQmeshDims (RMprimitive *toModify, int uSize, int vSize)
RMprimitive *toModify - a handle to an RMprimitive (modified). int uSize, vSize - integer values specifying the dimensions of a lattice defining a quadmesh (input).librm library source file: rmprim.c
RMenum rmPrimitiveSetOmeshDims (RMprimitive *toModify, int isize, int jsize, int ksize)
RMprimitive *toModify - a handle to an RMprimitive (modified). int isize, jsize, ksize - integer values specifying the number of points in a three dimensional hexahedral lattice (input).librm library source file: rmprim.c
RMenum rmPrimitiveSetOmeshMinMaxGrid (RMprimitive *toModify, const RMvertex3D *gridMin, const RMvertex3D *gridMax)
RMprimitive *p - a handle to an RMprimitive (modified). const RMvertex3D *gridMin, *gridMax - handles to RMvertex3D objects (input).librm library source file: rmprim.c
RMenum rmPrimitiveSetMarkerScale (RMprimitive *toModify, int npts, float *scales, RMenum copyEnum, void (*appFreeFunc)(void *))
RMprimitive *toModify - a handle to an RMprimitive (modified). int npts - an integer value specifying the length of the "scales" array (input). float *scales - a flat array of floats, expected to be "npts" in length (input). RMenum copyEnum - an RMenum value, may be either RM_COPY_DATA or RM_DONT_COPY_DATA (input). void (*appFreeFunc)(void *) - a handle to an application callback, required when copyEnum is RM_DONT_COPY_DATA (input).librm library source file: rmprim.c
RMenum rmPrimitiveSetMarkerPrims (RMprimitive *toModify, int nMarkerPrims, RMinternalMarker2D **mArray)
RMprimitive *toModify - a handle to an RMprimitive (modified). int nMarkerPrims - an integer value specifying the number of input "marker primitives" in the mArray parameter (input). RMinternalMarker2D **mArray - a handle to a flat array of RMinternalMarker2D handles (input).librm library source file: rmprim.c
RMenum rmPrimitiveSetEllipse2DRotate (RMprimitive *toModify, int nVals, float *rotationValues, RMenum copyEnum, void (*appFreeFunc)(void *))
RMprimitive *toModify - a handle to an RMprimitive (modified). int nVals - an integer value specifying the length of the rotationValues[] array (input). float *rotationValues - an array of floats, must be nVals in length (input). RMenum copyEnum - an RMenum value, may be either RM_COPY_DATA or RM_DONT_COPY_DATA (input). void (*appFreeFunc)(void *) - a handle to an application callback, required when copyEnum is RM_DONT_COPY_DATA (input).librm library source file: rmprim.c
RMenum rmPrimitiveSetText (RMprimitive *toModify, int nStrings, char *strings[])
RMprimitive *toModify - a handle to an RMprimitive (modified). int nStrings - an integer value specifying the number of text strings in the strings[] array (input). char *strings[] - an array of character strings (input).librm library source file: rmprim.c
RMenum rmPrimitiveSetDisplayListEnable (RMprimitive *toModify, RMenum newMode)
RMprimitive *toModify - a handle to an RMprimitive (modified). RMenum newMode - an RMenum value, may be either RM_TRUE or RM_FALSE (input).librm library source file: rmprim.c
RMenum rmNodeAddPrimitive (RMnode *addTo, RMprimitive *src)
RMnode *addTo - a handle to an RMnode (modified). RMprimitive *src - a handle to an RMprimitive (input).librm library source file: rmprim.c
RMprimitive * rmNodeGetPrimitive (const RMnode *toQuery, int indx)
const RMnode *toQuery - a handle to an RMnode (input). int indx - an integer value interpreted as an index (input).librm library source file: rmprim.c
RMenum rmNodeSetClientData (RMnode *toModify, void *clientData, void (*cdFreeFunc)(RMnode *,void *))
RMnode *toModify - a handle to an RMnode (modified). void *clientData - a handle (input). void (*cdFreeFunc)(RMnode *,void *) - a handle to an application callback (input).librm library source file: rmprim.c
void * rmNodeGetClientData (const RMnode *toQuery)
const RMnode *toQuery - a handle to an RMnode (input).librm library source file: rmprim.c
RMenum rmPrimitiveSetAppDisplayList (RMprimitive *toModify, GLuint appDisplayList)
RMprimitive *toModify - a handle to an RMprimitive object (input). GLuint appDisplayList - a GLuint value (input).librm library source file: rmprim.c