Index of OpenRM - RM Library

 float * rmFloatNew (int n)
 int n - number of floats to create (input).

Return a handle to the requested number of floats. at

librm library source file: rmmalloc.c

 void rmFloatDelete (float *t)
 float *t - a handle to float(s) to delete (modified).

Free the float resources pointed to by t. Bonus Fara Depunere

librm library source file: rmmalloc.c

 RMvertex2D * rmVertex2DNew (int n)
 int n - number of RMvertex2D objects to create (input).

Return a handle to the requested number of RMvertex2D.

librm library source file: rmmalloc.c

 void rmVertex2DDelete (RMvertex2D *v)
 RMvertex2D *v - a handle to RMvertex2D object(s) to delete

Free the RMvertex2D resources pointed to by v. It is assumed that v points to a valid RMvertex2D previously created with rmVertex2DNew.

librm library source file: rmmalloc.c

 RMvertex3D * rmVertex3DNew (int n)
 int n - number of RMvertex3D objects to create (input).

Return a handle to the requested number of RMvertex3D.

librm library source file: rmmalloc.c

 void rmVertex3DDelete (RMvertex3D *v)
 RMvertex3D *v - a handle to RMvertex3D object(s) to delete

Free the RMvertex3D resources pointed to by v. It is assumed that v points to a valid RMvertex3D previously created with rmVertex3DNew.

librm library source file: rmmalloc.c

 RMcolor4D * rmColor4DNew (int n)
 int n - number of RMcolor4D objects to create (input).

Return a handle to the requested number of RMcolor4D.

librm library source file: rmmalloc.c

 void rmColor4DDelete (RMcolor4D *c)
 RMcolor4D *c - a handle to RMcolor4D object(s) to delete (modified).

Free the RMcolor4D resources pointed to by c. It is assumed that c points to a valid RMcolor4D previously created with rmColor4DNew().

librm library source file: rmmalloc.c

 RMinternalMarker2D * rmInternalMarker2DNew (int nverts,
		                             int begin_flag,
		                             RMvertex2D *dverts)
 int nverts - number of vertices in the RMinternalMarker2D list. int begin_flag - ?
 RMvertex2D *dverts - vertex data.

This routine may be deprecated. Need to add checks to see if this is actually being used by any contemporary applications.

Create a new RMinternalMarker2D from the given parameters and return a handle to the caller.

librm library source file: rmmalloc.c

 void rmInternalMarker2DDelete (RMinternalMarker2D *t)
 RMinternalMarker2D *t - a handle to RMinternalMarker2D object to
    delete (modified). 

Free the RMinternalMarker2D resources pointed to by t. It is assumed that t points to a valid RMinternalMarker2D previously created with rmInternalMarker2DNew().

librm library source file: rmmalloc.c

 unsigned char ** rmMalloc2DByteBuffer (int width,
                                        int height)
 int width - buffer width in bytes (input). int height - buffer height in bytes (input).

Creates a 2D byte buffer of the requested dimensions and returns a handle to the caller. The resulting buffer is row-major order, so indexing it as an array of unsigned char means that the first index is the row (height) and the second index is the column (width).

librm library source file: rmmalloc.c

 void rmFree2DByteBuffer (unsigned char **c)
 unsigned char **c - a handle to a 2D byte buffer (modified).

Free the 2D byte buffer resources pointed to by c. It is assumed that c points to a valid 2D byte buffer previously created with rmMalloc2DByteBuffer().

librm library source file: rmmalloc.c

 float ** rmMalloc2DFloatBuffer (int width,
		                 int height)
 int width -  buffer width in floats (input). int height -  buffer height in floats (input).

Creates a 2D float buffer of the requested dimensions and returns a handle to the caller. The resulting buffer is row-major order, so indexing it as an array of unsigned char means that the first index is the row (height) and the second index is the column (width).

librm library source file: rmmalloc.c

 void rmFree2DFloatBuffer (float **c)
 float **c - a handle to a 2D byte buffer (modified).

Free the 2D float buffer resources pointed to by c. It is assumed that c points to a valid 2D float buffer previously created with rmMalloc2DFloatBuffer().

librm library source file: rmmalloc.c

 unsigned char *** rmMalloc3DByteBuffer (int width,
		                         int height,
		                         int depth)
 int width - buffer width in bytes (input). int height - buffer height in bytes (input). int depth - buffer depth in bytes (input).

Creates a 3D byte buffer of the requested dimensions and returns a handle to the caller. The resulting buffer is row-major order, so indexing it as an array of unsigned char means that the first index is the row (height) and the second index is the column (width).

librm library source file: rmmalloc.c

 void rmFree3DByteBuffer (unsigned char ***c)
 unsigned char ***c - a handle to a 3D byte buffer (modified).

Free the 3D byte buffer resources pointed to by c. It is assumed that c points to a valid 3D byte buffer previously created with rmMalloc3DByteBuffer().

librm library source file: rmmalloc.c

 float *** rmMalloc3DFloatBuffer (int width,
		                  int height,
		                  int depth)
 int width - buffer width in floats (input). int height - buffer height in floats (input). int depth - buffer depth in floats (input).

Creates a 3D float buffer of the requested dimensions and returns a handle to the caller. The resulting buffer is row-major order, so indexing it as an array of unsigned char means that the first index is the row (height) and the second index is the column (width).

librm library source file: rmmalloc.c

 void rmFree3DFloatBuffer (float ***c)
 float ***c - a handle to a 3D float buffer (modified).

Free the 3D float buffer resources pointed to by c. It is assumed that c points to a valid 3D float buffer previously created with rmMalloc3DFloatBuffer().

librm library source file: rmmalloc.c