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RMlight * rmLightNew (void)
No arguments.librm library source file: rmlites.c
void rmLightDelete (RMlight *toDelete)
RMlight *toDelete - a handle to an RMlight object.librm library source file: rmlites.c
RMenum rmLightSetType (RMlight *toModify, RMenum newType)
RMlight *toModify - a handle to an RMlight object (modified). RMenum newType - an RMenum value specifying the new light type for the RMlight object. Must be one of RM_LIGHT_POINT, RM_LIGHT_DIRECTIONAL, or RM_LIGHT_SPOT (input).librm library source file: rmlites.c
RMenum rmLightGetType (const RMlight *toQuery)
const RMlight *toQuery - a handle to an RMlight object (input).librm library source file: rmlites.c
RMenum rmLightSetXYZ (RMlight *toModify, const RMvertex3D *newXYZ)
RMlight *toModify - a handle to an RMlight object (modified). const RMvertex3D *newXYZ - a handle to an RMvertex3D object (input).librm library source file: rmlites.c
RMenum rmLightGetXYZ (const RMlight *toQuery, RMvertex3D *retXYZ)
const RMlight *toQuery - a handle to an RMlight object (input). RMvertex3D *retXYZ - a handle to an RMvertex3D object (modified).librm library source file: rmlites.c
RMenum rmLightSetColor (RMlight *toModify, const RMcolor4D *newAmbientColor, const RMcolor4D *newDiffuseColor, const RMcolor4D *newSpecularColor)
RMlight *toModify - a handle to an RMlight object (modified). const RMcolor4D *newAmbientColor, *newDiffuseColor, *newSpecularColor - handles to RMcolor4D objects specifying the RGBA colors for the light source ambient, diffuse and specular light terms. Use of NULL for some or all terms is acceptable (input).librm library source file: rmlites.c
RMenum rmLightGetColor (const RMlight *toQuery, RMcolor4D *retAmbientColor, RMcolor4D *retDiffuseColor, RMcolor4D *retSpecularColor)
const RMlight *toQuery - a handle to an RMlight object (input). RMcolor4D *retAmbientColor, *retDiffuseColor, *retSpecularColor - handles to RMcolor4D objects (modified). Use of NULL for some or all terms is acceptable (input).librm library source file: rmlites.c
RMenum rmLightSetAttenuation (RMlight *toModify, float newConstantAttenuation, float newLinearAttenuation, float newQuadraticAttenuation)
RMlight *toModify - a handle to an RMlight object (modified). float newConstantAttenuation, newLinearAttenuation, newQuadraticAttenuation - floating point values specifying the coefficients for constant, linear and quadratic light attenuation, or decay, for an RMlight source (input).librm library source file: rmlites.c
RMenum rmLightGetAttenuation (const RMlight *toQuery, float *retConstantAttenuation, float *retLinearAttenuation, float *retQuadraticAttenuation)
const RMlight *toQuery - a handle to an RMlight object (input). float *retConstantAttenuation, *retLinearAttenuation, *retQuadraticAttenuation - handle to caller-supplied floats (modified).librm library source file: rmlites.c
RMenum rmLightSetEnable (RMlight *toModify, RMenum newValue)
RMlight *toModify - a handle to an RMlight object (modified). RMenum newValue - an RMenum value, must be either RM_TRUE or RM_FALSE.librm library source file: rmlites.c
RMenum rmLightGetEnable (const RMlight *toQuery)
const RMlight *toQuery - a handle to an RMlight object (input).librm library source file: rmlites.c
RMenum rmLightSetSpotDirection (RMlight *toModify, const RMvertex3D *newSpotDirection)
RMlight *toModify - a handle to an RMlight object (modified). const RMvertex3D *newSpotDirection - a handle to an RMvertex3D object (input).librm library source file: rmlites.c
RMenum rmLightGetSpotDirection (const RMlight *toModify, RMvertex3D *retDirection)
const RMlight *toModify - a handle to an RMlight object (input). RMvertex3D *retDirection - a handle to an RMvertex3D object (modified, return).librm library source file: rmlites.c
RMenum rmLightSetSpotCutoff (RMlight *toModify, float newValue)
RMlight *toModify - a handle to an RMlight object (modified). float newValue - a floating point value in the range [0..90] (or the special value of 180) specifying the spread angle of the spotlight (input).librm library source file: rmlites.c
RMenum rmLightGetSpotCutoff (const RMlight *toQuery, float *retValue)
const RMlight *toQuery - a handle to an RMlight object (input). float *retValue - a handle to a caller-supplied float (modified).librm library source file: rmlites.c
RMenum rmLightSetSpotExponent (RMlight *toModify, float newValue)
RMlight *toModify - a handle to an RMlight object (modified). float newValue - a non-negative floating point value (input).librm library source file: rmlites.c
RMenum rmLightGetSpotExponent (const RMlight *toQuery, float *retValue)
const RMlight *toQuery - a handle to an RMlight object (input). float *retValue - a handle to a caller-supplied float (modified).librm library source file: rmlites.c
RMlightModel * rmLightModelNew (void)
No arguments.librm library source file: rmlites.c
RMenum rmLightModelDelete (RMlightModel *toDelete)
RMlightModel *toDelete - a handle to an RMlightModel object to be deleted (modified).librm library source file: rmlites.c
RMenum rmLightModelSetAmbient (RMlightModel *toModify, const RMcolor4D *newAmbientColor)
RMlightModel *toModify - a handle to an RMlightModel object (modified). const RMcolor4D *newAmbientColor - a handle to an RMcolor4D object (input).librm library source file: rmlites.c
RMenum rmLightModelGetAmbient (const RMlightModel *toQuery, RMcolor4D *retAmbientColor)
const RMlightModel *toQuery - a handle to an RMlightModel object (input). RMcolor4D *retAmbientColor - a handle to an RMcolor4D object (modified).librm library source file: rmlites.c
RMenum rmLightModelSetTwoSided (RMlightModel *toModify, RMenum newValue)
RMlightModel *toModify - a handle to an RMlightModel object (modified). RMenum newValue - an RMenum value, should be either RM_TRUE or RM_FALSE (input).librm library source file: rmlites.c
RMenum rmLightModelGetTwoSided (const RMlightModel *toQuery)
const RMlightModel *toQuery - a handle to an RMlightModel object (input).librm library source file: rmlites.c
RMenum rmLightModelSetLocalViewer (RMlightModel *toModify, RMenum newValue)
RMlightModel *toModify - a handle to an RMlightModel object (modified). RMenum newValue - an RMenum value, must be either RM_TRUE or RM_FALSE (input).librm library source file: rmlites.c
RMenum rmLightModelGetLocalViewer (const RMlightModel *toQuery)
const RMlightModel *toQuery - a handle to an RMlightModel object (input).librm library source file: rmlites.c
RMenum rmDefaultLighting (RMnode *toModify)
RMnode *toModify - a handle to an RMnode (modified).librm library source file: rmlites.c