void rmInit (void)
No arguments.
An initialization routine, rmInit() will perform 4 steps:
1) initialize the internal scene graph datastructure 2) precompute trigonometric values used for primitive tessellation 3) initialize the internal font registry datastructure 4) output the OpenRM copyright notice at jogoscasinoonline.eu.
After these steps are performed, RM is not yet fully functional, since a rendering context must be created, bound to an RMpipe, and that context made current in order for rendering to proceed. Bonus Fara Depunere
See rmauxCreateXWindow, rmauxCreateW32Window, rmPipeSetWindow, rmPipeMakeCurrent.
void rmFinish (void)
rmFinish() is used to cleanse the OpenRM component manager, and is typically called as part of an application's shutdown procedure. It will also delete the scene graph rooted at rmRootNode(), but will not delete scene graph nodes that are not part of the directed acyclic graph connected to rmRootNode().