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RMimage * rmImageNew (int ndims, int width, int height, int depth, RMenum formatEnum, RMenum typeEnum, RMenum copyFlag)
int ndims - integer value specifying the number of dimensions in the new image. May be a value of 2 for regular images, 3 for 3D volumes, or 1 for 1D (texture) images (input). int width, height - integer values specifying the width and height of the new image (input). int depth - integer value specifying the size of the 3rd image dimension for 3D images. When "ndims" is 1 or 2, this parameter is ignored (input). RMenum formatEnum - an RMenum value specifying the pixel format for the new image. Use one of the following values (input): RM_IMAGE_ALPHA - alpha-only pixels, one component per pixel. RM_IMAGE_LUMINANCE - luminance only pixels, one component per pixel. RM_IMAGE_LUMINANCE_ALPHA - each pixel is considered to be a luminance-alpha pair, two components per pixel. Pixel data organized as LALALA... RM_IMAGE_RGB - each pixel is considered to be an RGB 3-tuple, organized as RGBRGB... RM_IMAGE_RGBA - each pixel is considered to be an RGBA 4-tuple, organized as RGBARGBA... RM_IMAGE_DEPTH - identifies the pixel data as depth buffer pixels. Each pixel consists of a single component. RMenum typeEnum - an RMenum value specifying the type of each pixel component. Use one of the following enumerators (input): RM_UNSIGNED_BYTE, RM_FLOAT, RM_SHORT, or RM_UNSIGNED_SHORT. RMenum copyFlag - an RMenum value specifying whether or not RM will make a copy of the pixel data. Use one of RM_COPY_DATA or RM_DONT_COPY_DATA (input).librm library source file: rmimage.c
RMimage * rmImageDup (const RMimage *toDuplicate)
const RMimage *toDuplicate - a handle to an RMimage object (input).librm library source file: rmimage.c
RMenum rmImageDelete (RMimage *toDelete)
RMimage *toDelete - a handle to an RMimage object.librm library source file: rmimage.c
RMenum rmImageSetPixelData (RMimage *toModify, void *pixelData, RMenum copyEnum, void (*appFreeFunc)(void *))
RMimage *toModify - a handle to an RMimage object (modified). void *pixelData - a handle to the raw pixel data supplied by the caller. The contents of this buffer will become the pixel data for the RMimage object (input). RMenum copyEnum - an RMenum value specifying whether or not RM should make a copy of this data. Must be either RM_COPY_DATA or RM_DONT_COPY_DATA. void (*appFreeFunc)(void *) - a handle to an application callback used to free the pixel data when the RMimage object is deleted. When copyEnum is RM_COPY_DATA, this parameter is ignored.librm library source file: rmimage.c
void * rmImageGetPixelData (const RMimage *toQuery)
const RMimage *toQuerylibrm library source file: rmimage.c
unsigned int rmImageGetBytesPerScanline (const RMimage *toQuery)
const RMimage *toQuery - a handle to an RMimage object (input).librm library source file: rmimage.c
RMenum rmImageGetCopyFlag (const RMimage *toQuery)
const RMimage *toQuery - a handle to an RMimage object object (input).librm library source file: rmimage.c
RMenum rmImageGetType (const RMimage *toQuery)
const RMimage *toQuerylibrm library source file: rmimage.c
RMenum rmImageGetFormat (const RMimage *toQuery)
const RMimage *toQuerylibrm library source file: rmimage.c
RMenum rmImageGetImageSize (const RMimage *toQuery, int *returnNDims, int *returnWidth, int *returnHeight, int *returnDepth, int *returnElements, int *returnBytesPerScanline)
const RMimage *toQuery - a handle to an RMimage object to query (input). int *returnNDims, *returnWidth, *returnHeight, *returnDepth, *returnElements, *returnBytesPerScanline - handles to integers supplied by the caller. Parameters from the RMimage object will be copied into these caller-supplied memory areas. Specifying NULL for one or more of these values is permissible.librm library source file: rmimage.c
RMenum rmImageSetPixelZoom (RMimage *toModify, float xzoom, float yzoom)
RMimage *toModify - a handle to an RMimage object (modified). float xzoom, yzoom - floating point values used to specify the x- and y-axis pixel replication, or zoom, factors (input).librm library source file: rmimage.c
RMenum rmImageGetPixelZoom (const RMimage *toQuery, float *returnXZoom, float *returnYZoom)
RMimage *toQuery - a handle to an RMimage object that will be queried by this routine (input). float *returnXZoom, *returnYZoom - handles to floating point values that will contain the x- and y-axis pixel zoom factors of the RMimage object toQuery (modified).librm library source file: rmimage.c
RMenum rmImageSetVismap (RMimage *toModify, const RMvisMap *vismap)
RMimage *toModify - a handle to an RMimage object (modified). const RMvisMap *vismap - a handle to an RMvisMap object (input).librm library source file: rmimage.c
RMenum rmImageGetVismap (const RMimage *toQuery, RMvisMap **vismapReturn)
const RMimage *toQuery - a handle to an RMimage object (input). RMvisMap **vismapReturn - a handle to an RMvisMap pointer (modified).librm library source file: rmimage.c
RMenum rmImageMirror (RMimage *toMirror, RMenum mirrorAxisEnum)
RMimage *toMirror - a handle to an RMimage object (modified). RMenum mirrorAxisEnum - an RMenum value specifying along which axis mirroring will occur (input).librm library source file: rmimage.c
RMenum rmImageResize (const RMimage *src, RMimage *dst, RMenum hardwareEnum, RMpipe *hwPipe)
const RMimage *src - a handle to an RMimage object. Used as the source image in an image resize operation. RMimage *dst - a handle to an RMimage object. The resized image will be placed into this object. RMenum hardwareEnum - an RMenum value specifying whether or not to use the graphics hardware for performing the pixel resize operation. Must be either RM_HARDWARE or RM_SOFTWARE. RMpipe *hwPipe - a handle to an RMpipe (input). This parameter must be non-NULL whenever the hardwareEnum parameter is set to RM_HARDWARE, and must refer to a fully initialized RMpipe. When RM_SOFTWARE image resizing is specified, this parameter is ignored, and may be set to NULL by the caller.librm library source file: rmimage.c
RMenum rmImageSetScale (RMimage *toModify, float newScale)
RMimage *toModify - a handle to an RMimage object to modify. float newScale - a floating point value that represents the new pixel scale that will be applied to the RMimage object.librm library source file: rmimage.c
RMenum rmImageGetScale (const RMimage *toQuery, float *returnScale)
const RMimage *toQuery - a handle to an RMimage object to query (input). float *returnScale - a handle to a float that will be set to contain the RMimage object's pixel scale attribute (modified).librm library source file: rmimage.c
RMenum rmImageSetBias (RMimage *toModify, float newBias)
RMimage *toModify - a handle to an RMimage object (modified). float newBias - a floating point value that represents the new pixel bias that will be applied to the RMimage object (input).librm library source file: rmimage.c
RMenum rmImageGetBias (const RMimage *toQuery, float *returnBias)
const RMimage *toQuery - a handle to an RMimage object to query (input). float *returnBias - a handle to a float that will be set to contain the RMimage object's bias attribute (modified).librm library source file: rmimage.c