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RMcamera2D * rmCamera2DNew (void)
No arguments.librm library source file: rmcamera.c
RMenum rmCamera2DCopy (RMcamera2D *dst, const RMcamera2D *src)
RMcamera2D *dst - a handle to an RMcamera2D object to be modified (output). const RMcamera2D *src - a handle to an RMcamera2D object that will be copied (input).librm library source file: rmcamera.c
void rmCamera2DDelete (RMcamera2D *toDelete)
RMcamera2D *toDelete - a handle to RMcamera2D object to delete (modified).librm library source file: rmcamera.c
RMenum rmDefaultCamera2D (RMcamera2D *toModify)
RMcamera2D *toModify - a handle to a caller supplied RMcamera2D object that will be modified by this routine (modified).librm library source file: rmcamera.c
RMenum rmCamera2DSetAspectRatio (RMcamera2D *toModify, float newAspect)
RMcamera2D *toModify - a handle to the RMcamera2D object that will be modified by this routine. float newAspect - a floating point value specifying the new aspect ratio for the RMcamera2D object.librm library source file: rmcamera.c
RMenum rmCamera2DResetAspectRatio (RMcamera2D *toModify, const float *vp, int windowWidth, int windowWeight)
RMcamera2D *toModify - a handle to the RMcamera2D that will be modified by this routine. const float *vp - an array of floating point values of length 4. This is a viewport specification, ordered {xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax}. The viewport coordinates are in the range 0..1, ranging from the lower left corner of the display window (0,0) to the upper right corner (1,1). int windowWidth, windowWeight - integer values specifying the size in pixels of the display window. These values are used in computing a new aspect ratio for the RMcamera2D object.librm library source file: rmcamera.c
RMenum rmCamera2DGetAspectRatio (const RMcamera2D *toQuery, float *retValue)
const RMcamera2D *toQuery - a handle to the RMcamera2D object that will be queried by this routine. float *retValue - a handle to a caller-supplied float. The RMcamera2D's aspect ratio attribute will be copied into this memory location.librm library source file: rmcamera.c
RMenum rmCamera2DSetExtents (RMcamera2D *toModify, float xmin, float ymin, float xmax, float ymax)
RMcamera2D *toModify - a handle to an RMcamera2D object that will be modified by this routine. float xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax - floating point values that specify the new x/y extents "seen" by the 2D camera. These values are specified in world coordinates.librm library source file: rmcamera.c
RMenum rmCamera2DGetExtents (const RMcamera2D *toQuery, float *xmin, float *ymin, float *xmax, float *ymax)
const RMcamera2D *toQuery - a handle to an RMcamera2D object that will be queried by this routine. float *xmin, *ymin, *xmax, *ymax - pointers to caller-supplied floats. The 2D cameras extents parameters will be written into these memory locations. It is permissible to specify NULL for any or all of these parameters - the corresponding 2D camera extents parameter will not be reported for NULL return parameters.librm library source file: rmcamera.c
RMenum rmCamera2DComputeViewMatrix (const RMcamera2D *camera, RMmatrix *matrixReturn)
const RMcamera2D *camera - a handle to an RMcamera2D object (input). RMmatrix *matrixReturn - a handle to a caller-supplied RMmatrix object (result).librm library source file: rmcamera.c
RMenum rmCamera2DComputeViewFromGeometry (RMcamera2D *toModify, const RMnode *source)
RMcamera2D *toModify - a handle to an RMcamera2D object that will be modified by this routine. const RMnode *source - a handle to an RMnode.librm library source file: rmcamera.c
RMcamera3D * rmCamera3DNew (void)
No arguments.librm library source file: rmcamera.c
RMenum rmCamera3DCopy (RMcamera3D *dst, const RMcamera3D *src)
RMcamera3D *dst - a handle to an RMcamera3D object to be modified (output). const RMcamera3D *src - a handle to an RMcamera3D object that will be copied (input).librm library source file: rmcamera.c
void rmCamera3DDelete (RMcamera3D *toDelete)
RMcamera3D *toDelete - a handle to RMcamera3D object to delete (modified).librm library source file: rmcamera.c
RMenum rmDefaultCamera3D (RMcamera3D *toModify)
RMcamera3D *toModify - a handle to an RMcamera3D object that will be modified by this routine.librm library source file: rmcamera.c
RMenum rmCamera3DSetAspectRatio (RMcamera3D *toModify, const float newAspect)
RMcamera3D *toModify - a handle to an RMcamera3D object (modified). const float newAspect - a floating point value used to specify the new aspect ratio for the RMcamera3D object.librm library source file: rmcamera.c
RMenum rmCamera3DResetAspectRatio (RMcamera3D *toModify, const float *vp, int windowWidth, int windowHeight)
RMcamera3D *toModify - a handle to the RMcamera3D object that will be modified by this routine. const float *vp - an array of floating point values of length 4. This is a viewport specification, ordered {xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax}. The viewport coordinates are in the range 0..1, ranging from the lower left corner of the display window (0,0) to the upper right corner (1,1). int windowWidth, windowWeight - integer values specifying the size in pixels of the display window. These values are used in computing a new aspect ratio for the RMcamera3D object.librm library source file: rmcamera.c
float rmCamera3DGetAspectRatio (const RMcamera3D *toQuery)
const RMcamera3D *toQuery - a handle to the RMcamera3D object that will be queried by this routine.librm library source file: rmcamera.c
RMenum rmCamera3DSetProjection (RMcamera3D *toModify, RMenum newVal)
RMcamera3D *toModify - a handle to an RMcamera3D object that will be modified by this routine (modified). RMenum newVal - an RMenum value specifying the new projection method for the RMcamera3D object. Should be either RM_PROJECTION_PERSPECTIVE or RM_PROJECTION_ORTHOGRAPHIC.librm library source file: rmcamera.c
RMenum rmCamera3DGetProjection (const RMcamera3D *toQuery)
const RMcamera3D *toQuery - a handle to an RMcamera3D object that will be queried by this routine (input).librm library source file: rmcamera.c
RMenum rmCamera3DSetEye (RMcamera3D *toModify, const RMvertex3D *newEye)
RMcamera3D *toModify - a handle to the RMcamera3D object that will be modified by this routine. const RMvertex3D *newEye - a handle to an RMvertex3D object.librm library source file: rmcamera.c
RMenum rmCamera3DGetEye (const RMcamera3D *toQuery, RMvertex3D *returnEye)
const RMcamera3D *toQuery - a handle to an RMcamera3D object to be queried (input). RMvertex3D *returnEye - a handle to a caller-supplied RMvertex3D object (modified).librm library source file: rmcamera.c
RMenum rmCamera3DSetAt (RMcamera3D *toModify, const RMvertex3D *newAt)
RMcamera3D *toModify - a handle to an RMcamera3D object (modified). const RMvertex3D *newAt - a handle to an RMvertex3D object containing the new look-at point (input).librm library source file: rmcamera.c
RMenum rmCamera3DGetAt (const RMcamera3D *toQuery, RMvertex3D *returnAt)
const RMcamera3D *toQuery - a handle to an RMcamera3D object to be queried (input). RMvertex3D *returnAt - a handle to an RMvertex3D object that will contain the RMcamera3D's look-at point upon return (modified).librm library source file: rmcamera.c
RMenum rmCamera3DSetUpVector (RMcamera3D *toModify, const RMvertex3D *newUpVector)
RMcamera3D *toModify - a handle to the RMcamera3D object to be modified (result). const RMvertex3D *newUpVector - a handle to an RMvertex3D object supplying the new up vector (input).librm library source file: rmcamera.c
RMenum rmCamera3DGetUpVector (const RMcamera3D *toQuery, RMvertex3D *returnUpVector)
const RMcamera3D *toQuery - a handle to the RMcamera3D object to query (input). RMvertex3D *returnUpVector - a handle to an RMvertex3D object supplied by the caller (modified).librm library source file: rmcamera.c
RMenum rmCamera3DSetFOV (RMcamera3D *toModify, float newFOV)
RMcamera3D *toModify - a handle to an RMcamera3D object that will be modified by this routine (modified). float newFOV - a floating point value, the new FOV parameter (input).librm library source file: rmcamera.c
float rmCamera3DGetFOV (const RMcamera3D *toQuery)
const RMcamera3D *toQuery - a handle to an RMcamera3D object that will be queried (input).librm library source file: rmcamera.c
RMenum rmCamera3DSetHither (RMcamera3D *toModify, float newHither)
RMcamera3D *toModify - a handle to the RMcamera3D object (modified). float newHither - a floating point value containing the new front clip plane value (input).librm library source file: rmcamera.c
float rmCamera3DGetHither (const RMcamera3D *toQuery)
const RMcamera3D *toQuery - a handle to the RMcamera3D object to be queried (input).librm library source file: rmcamera.c
RMenum rmCamera3DSetYon (RMcamera3D *toModify, float newYon)
RMcamera3D *toModify - a handle to the RMcamera3D object (modified). float newYon - a floating point value containing the new back clip plane value (input).librm library source file: rmcamera.c
float rmCamera3DGetYon(const RMcamera3D *toQuery)
const RMcamera3D *toQuery - a handle to the RMcamera3D object to be queried (input).librm library source file: rmcamera.c
RMenum rmCamera3DSetStereo (RMcamera3D *toModify, RMenum newBoolValue)
RMcamera3D *toModify - a handle to an RMcamera3D object (modified). RMenum newBoolValue - a boolean value, either RM_TRUE or RM_FALSE (input).librm library source file: rmcamera.c
RMenum rmCamera3DGetStereo (const RMcamera3D *toQuery)
const RMcamera3D *toQuery - a handle to an RMcamera3D object that will be queried by this routine (input).librm library source file: rmcamera.c
RMenum rmCamera3DSetEyeSeparation (RMcamera3D *toModify, float newVal)
RMcamera3D *toModify - a handle to an RMcamera3D object (modified). float newVal - a floating point value specifying the interocular displacement in degrees (input).librm library source file: rmcamera.c
RMenum rmCamera3DGetEyeSeparation (RMcamera3D *toQuery)
const RMcamera3D *toQuery - a handle to an RMcamera3D object that will be queried by this routine (input).librm library source file: rmcamera.c
RMenum rmCamera3DSetFocalDistance (RMcamera3D *toModify, float newVal)
RMcamera3D *toModify - a handle to an RMcamera3D object (modified). float newVal - a floating point value specifying new focal distance length (input).librm library source file: rmcamera.c
RMenum rmCamera3DGetFocalDistance (const RMcamera3D *toQuery)
const RMcamera3D *toQuery - a handle to an RMcamera3D object that will be queried by this routine (input).librm library source file: rmcamera.c
RMenum rmCamera3DComputeViewMatrix (const RMcamera3D *source, RMmatrix *viewReturn, RMmatrix *projectionReturn)
const RMcamera3D *source - a handle to an RMcamera3D object (input). RMmatrix *viewReturn - a handle to an RMmatrix object (result). RMmatrix *projectionReturn - a handle to an RMmatrix object (result).librm library source file: rmcamera.c
RMenum rmCamera3DComputeViewFromGeometry (RMcamera3D *toModify, const RMnode *source, int windowWidth, int windowHeight)
RMcamera3D *toModify - a handle to the RMcamera3D object (modified). const RMnode *source - a handle to an RMnode. the bounding box of this RMnode will be used in computing 3D camera parameters (input). int windowWidth, windowHeight - int values specifying the width and height in pixels of the display window. These values are used in computing an aspect ratio for the camera (input).librm library source file: rmcamera.c