Index of OpenRM - RMAUX Library

 void rmauxArcBall (float *x1, 
		    float *y1, 
		    float *x2, 
		    float *y2,
		    RMmatrix *result)
 float *x1, *y1 - pointers to floating point values in the range
    (-1..1).  These values define a pixel coordinate position within
    the viewport (NDC).  This point is the starting point for when
    computing a rotation. (input)
 float *x2, *y2 - pointers to floating point values in the range
    (-1..1).  These values define a pixel coordinate position within
    the viewport (NDC).  This point is the ending point for computing
    a rotation. (input)
 RMmatrix *result - pointer to an RMmatrix (result). The rotation matrix
    computed by rmauxArcBall is copied into this return parameter.

The virtual arcball interface implements a rotation model such that changes about the horizontal axis map to X-axis rotations (roughly) and changes about the vertical axis map (roughly) to Y-axis rotations. at

The points (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) are projected onto the surface of a sphere, then a quaternion (the result of this routine) is computed that reflects a rotation from point (x1,y1) to point (x2,y2) along a great-arc path on the surface of a sphere. Bonus Fara Depunere

The rotation matrix computed from (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) is copied into the RMmatrix parameter "return".

librmaux library source file: rmarcball.c

 rmauxDolly (RMcamera3D *toModify,
             float *x1,
	     float *y1, 
	     float *x2, 
	     float *y2)
 RMcamera3D *toModify - a handle to an RMcamera3D. the eye point of
    the RMcamera3D is modified by this routine (modified). float *x1, *y1 - pointers to floating point values in the range
    (-1..1).  These values define a pixel coordinate position within
    the viewport (NDC).  This point is the starting point for
    computing the dolly translation. (input)
 float *x2, *y2 - pointers to floating point values in the range
    (-1..1).  These values define a pixel coordinate position within
    the viewport (NDC).  This point is the ending point for computing
    the dolly translation. (input)

The virtual dolly interface implements a camera dollying motion such that changes in the vertical directions exponentially control the camera dolly translation. Positive motions up dolly the camera towards the look-at and negative motions down dolly the camera away from the camera look-at.

This routine modifies the eye point of the toModify RMcamera3D parameter.

librmaux library source file: rmarcball.c

 rmauxTranslate (RMcamera3D *toModify,
                 float *x1, 
	         float *y1, 
	         float *x2, 
	         float *y2)
 RMcamera3D *toModify - a handle to an RMcamera3D object (modified).    The eye and look-at points of this parameter are modified by
    this routine. float *x1, *y1 - pointers to floating point values in the range
    (-1..1).  These values define a pixel coordinate position within
    the viewport (NDC).  This point is the starting point for
    computing the image plane translation. (input)
 float *x2, *y2 - pointers to floating point values in the range
    (-1..1).  These values define a pixel coordinate position within
    the viewport (NDC).  This point is the ending point for computing
    the image plane translation. (input)

The virtual image plane translation implements a translation motion in the image plane of the camera. Motions in the window correspond directly to the image plane translation applied to the camera eye and look-at points.

This routine will modify the eye and look-at points of the input RMcamera3D object.

librmaux library source file: rmarcball.c